cul-2016 / quiz

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Update privacy statement #716

Open iteles opened 5 years ago

iteles commented 5 years ago

@stianr Adding this as an issue so you can keep track of progress here, but before #715 can be completed, you will need to update the privacy statement with some wording around consent (though data deletion is already covered in the current iteration).

The Cookies section should also be updated to include reference to the analytics data collected.

Acceptance Criteria

stianr commented 5 years ago

Updated Cookies Text

Like most websites, this site uses cookies. This allows you to navigate the site, look at your results and take quizzes effectively. When you sign up for a Quodl account, you give permission for us to use cookies. Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer when you visit a website. When you are on the website, the site can read the text in your cookie and write text into the cookie. This means, for example, that if you return to a website at a later time, the website can link the new visit with previous visits you made; or when you have logged in, the website can keep track of who you’re logged in as, and show you the appropriate content as you navigate across pages on the site. We primarily use cookies for that second purpose. Once you log in to Quodl, a cookie helps keep track of your login, so you see the quizzes that you’re signed up to, and get the feedback that’s personalised to you. Without these cookies we would not be able to run the quizzes or other services that Quodl offers. We also use cookies for analytics. These are third-party cookies set by Google that allow us to look at when and how people use the site, which pages and features are most used, and other details about the sequence of pages that users load. This is all anonymous, and we can’t identify who the individual users are. Use of Google Analytics cookies allows us to understand how people use Quodl, and make decisions about how to develop Quodl in the future. These cookies are not necessary for using the site, and if you want to disable these kinds of cookies on this site and others, you can use a browser extension available here:

stianr commented 5 years ago

Updated privacy test to include separate consent section (@iteles does this look about right?)

Privacy Statement This statement sets out what data we collect from you, the reasons for collecting it, and how you can access, change or delete your personal data. What data do we collect, and how do we use it? When you sign up, you enter your email address, a nickname (if you’re a student), and a password. We also record your participation in quizzes, the answers you give, the medals and trophies you receive, and your overall scores. Your email address is probably the most sensitive thing we record, as it’s the only thing that uniquely identifies you. We use your data for several things: Emailing You These are the circumstances under which Quodl will use your email address to contact you: • We send you a single email when you sign up to Quodl
• We use your email address to allow you to reset your password if you forget it – you can request an email with a link to reset it. • We may very rarely send an email with important information about changes to or developments with Quodl. • We may use your email address to contact you directly if we notice any issues with your account. • If you are a lecturer, we also use your email address for verification; by sending an email to the address you give us to confirm that the email address is yours. Your data These are the ways in which we use data associated with you. We use your email address for login and user identification – you enter your email address and password to log in. This means your quiz scores and participation are linked to your email address. Your scores on the quizzes you take are recorded, and these scores are used to award badges, operate a leaderboard and give you feedback on your performance. If you are a student, your lecturer or person setting the quiz will be able to see your email address and associated quiz scores and participation. Lecturers will be able to use your email address according to their institution’s rules and policies. Most frequently this would be to award prizes or other recognition for top scorers, or to check the situation if you miss several quizzes or don’t score well across many of them. Other students will only be able to see your nickname – for example on the public leaderboard – they will not be able to identify you unless you choose a nickname that makes it obvious who you are. If you are a student it is also possible that somebody other than your lecturer will be able to see your data. We have the option of a group admin account type, which is designed for programme or course directors who want to see how things are going across a number of different lecturers or modules that they are responsible for. If someone is given this account, they will be able to see data on your performance and participation across several modules or quiz series. Again, this is designed so that course directors can award prizes for performance across different modules (like a best-in-year award), or identify students who may need extra support. If you are a student, your data may be shared with your institution, and your email address may be used by your institution to cross-tabulate Quodl data with data about you held by your university, such as module enrolment, assessment scores and data from your virtual learning environment like moodle. This could be done for several reasons, including: (1) to allow integration with virtual learning environments like moodle, (2) to get a better picture of how individual students are engaging with their course, (3) to try to identify across students strategies that lead to successful outcomes. In all cases, the primary aim would be to improve your learning experience and outcomes, and those of students who follow you. Anonymised data may be used for scientific or commercial research, such as better understanding how students learn, factors affecting learning and performance, and how best to predict performance. If you are a lecturer, and your account was set up by a group admin (usually the course director), the group admin will have access to data on your students’ performance, which will also allow them to determine things like the number of students taking your quizzes, and the number of quizzes you have run. Do you use the data for automated decision making? People are sometimes worried about their data being used to make significant decisions automatically, without human intervention. Quodl may share performance with your institution, and may use patterns of performance across quizzes to highlight or categorise performance, for example, so that lecturers can easily identify students who seem to be doing well or badly. But it does not make automated decisions – any decisions to act on that information will be taken by a real person. Where is the data held? The data you submit is held within the EU. Can I have a copy of my data? Yes. You can see virtually all the data we hold when you are logged in: The scores and answers on the questions across the quizzes you have taken. If you would like to request all of the data we hold that is associated with your email address, email: How long is the data held for? Can I delete it? We hold your data for the time you have an account with us. If you no longer want an account with us and want to have any identifiable data deleted, we can sort that: email There is something wrong with my data. Can I correct it? Of course. If any of the details we hold on you are inaccurate you can get in touch to have them corrected: email Can I object to the use of my data? We may use your data for administering the quizzes, identifying students who are doing very well or falling behind, for analytics, prediction and for scientific research. If you do not want your data to be used for any of these purposes, email Depending on the nature of your request, it may mean that you are no longer able to take part in quizzes. Consent When you register, you give consent for Quodl to use your data in the ways described in the privacy statement. Consent is an ongoing process – you are free to withdraw consent at any time. If you want to withdraw consent, you can just email Depending on the specific aspects of consent you wish to withdraw, you may not be able to continue to log in to Quodl once consent is withdrawn. As you can see from the privacy statement, you can also request a copy of your data, request a correction to anything that you think is inaccurate, or have all of your identifying data deleted. For all of these you can just email