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Oops, nothing to see here #719

Open stianr opened 5 years ago

stianr commented 5 years ago

When I log in to my Quodl account and click on one of the modules I have set up, I now frequently see the following:


It's an intermittent issue - some of the time the module loads fine, and other times I get the nothing to see comment. This happens when the app is under low load (I am the only user), and doesn't seem to be a cookie issue, as it also happens when I log in with an anonymous browser window.

I've noticed this today, when it's happened around a third of the time I've clicked on a module - and often several times in a row for a given module (so a user would have given up by this point). Will check back again, but this is an issue that has significant implications for Quodl being viable for general use.

stianr commented 5 years ago

Not sure whether it applies to certain modules - e.g., if it's only modules that were set up before latest build or simiar - but the intermittent nature of the problem is a worry.