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Create Reviews/ Quotes section on landing page #29

Open Cleop opened 6 years ago

Cleop commented 6 years ago

As a prospective quodl user I want to know what other people think of using quodl so that I can determine whether I want to try it for myself/ my class.

Create reviews section on the landing page.


Your App is the best thing I’ve ever(!) seen in the classroom – students love it and it is so engaging (in addition to its others teaching benefits). --- Psychology Professor, Final Year undergraduate course of 50

The quizzes are so fun and keep everyone on their toes – everyone loves a bit of competition! Thanks for making this module so great --- Second year Psychology student, Module evaluation feedback from class of 150

It went really well. The students enjoyed it and I found it easy to do. --- Health Sciences Lecturer, Undergraduate course of 80