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Unified Library Site Development
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ULS UNITS - Review all snippets created via snippets plugin on units libraries #508

Open manolobevia opened 4 years ago

manolobevia commented 4 years ago
kevinkidwell commented 4 years ago

@manolobevia I recently went through with the custom loop widget and looked through all of these snippets, all info in #735. All of the snippets that can be in the loop widget are there, all that can't be moved out have been noted, and snippets have been cleaned up across the board.

In doing all of that, I consolidated the CSS from all of the unit snippets that was being used and compiled it into a single file. I don't know if any of it clashes with theme code but I wanted to add it here so that you can take a look and see if any does and could be updated. Almost all of the units are currently using some of these styles so if we can get them added into the theme, then we can remove the snippets.

Consolidated CSS:

JesiBuell79 commented 1 year ago

Need to check if this work was done or not

sarah-cul commented 9 months ago

@JesiBuell79 This was not done yet, but the idea is a good one so I think we can keep this in the backlog.

Issue: There are large chunks of css in several of the unit library sites located in snippets... that appear to be identical. This could be a maintenance headache in that if the style needs to be updated, it would have to be updated on all the unit sites.

Solution: move those repetitive chunks of css into the theme so it will only have to be maintained in one place

sarah-cul commented 2 months ago

Also, realized some of the custom post loop code was still in code snippets for Mann, Olin Uris, and Catherwood. This was all deactivated and fixed the custom post loop.