culqi / culqi-ios

Biblioteca de Culqi en iOS.
MIT License
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Error in IOS - No visible @interface for 'CLQHTTPSessionManager' declares the selector 'POST:parameters:progress:success:failure:' #7

Open llGinoll opened 4 years ago

llGinoll commented 4 years ago

Captura de Pantalla 2020-11-03 a la(s) 11 28 35 I've install the version 2.0 of culqi and my project show me this error. It's weird because the example doesn't show me this error and compiles without problems.

rorodriguez116 commented 3 years ago

En tu pod file selecciona el target a 8.0. Con esto AFNetworking hace downgrade y se instala la version 3.2.1 la cual soporta el método POST que mencionas en el error.