cult-of-coders / grapher-react

Provides easy to use React Components that are suitable for grapher package.
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Provide a hook for react stateful function #41

Closed erixtekila closed 3 years ago

erixtekila commented 5 years ago

It would be interesting to have a useQuery hook.

erixtekila commented 3 years ago

Here is an implementation for those who are interested.

import { useState } from "react";
import { useTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';

 * Provide a hook to get grapher's reactive query values
 * @param {Object} query A Grapher query clone
 * @param {Boolean} single Result is an object
 * @returns {Object} data Query values
export default useReactiveQuery = ( query, single=false ) =>
    const [ data, setData ] = useState();
    const [ isLoading, setLoading ] = useState( true );
    const [ error, setError ] = useState();

        () =>
                    onStop( err ) 
                        if (err)
                            setError( err );
                        setLoading( false );

            const data 
                = single
                ? query.fetchOne()
                : query.fetch();

        }, []

    return {
        , isLoading
        , error
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";

 * Provide a hook to get grapher's non reactive query values
 * @param {Object} query A Grapher query clone
 * @param {Boolean} single Result is an object
 * @param {Number} pollingMs Polling interval or undefined if loaded once
 * @returns {Object} data Query values
export default useStaticQuery = ( query, single=false, pollingMs ) =>
    const [ data, setData ] = useState();
    const [ isLoading, setLoading ] = useState( true );
    const [ error, setError ] = useState();

        () =>
            if( pollingMs )
                const pollingInterval 
                    = setInterval
                        () =>  setLoading( true )
                        , pollingMs
                return () => clearInterval( pollingInterval );

    const fetch = ( error, result ) =>
        if( error ) setError( error );
        setData( result );
        setLoading( false );

        () =>
            ? query.fetchOne( fetch )
            : query.fetch( fetch );

        }, pollingMs ? [ isLoading ] : []

    return {
        , isLoading
        , error

@theodorDiaconu you can close this issue.