cult-of-coders / redis-oplog

Redis Oplog implementation to fully replace MongoDB Oplog in Meteor
MIT License
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extractIdsFromSelector throws exception for an odd regex _id case #266

Open AFrangopoulos opened 6 years ago

AFrangopoulos commented 6 years ago

Exception thrown from packages/cultofcoders:redis-oplog/lib/utils/extractIdsFromSelector.js:9:19

Exception in callback of async function: 
Error: [When you subscribe directly, you can't have other specified fields rather than $in]

Query that causes this exception:

RocketChat.models.Settings.find({_id:/theme-color-rc/i}, {fields: { value: 1}}).observe({
    changed: renderDynamicCssList
nathan-muir commented 6 years ago

Note this also breaks if you want do to:

{_id: {$ne: someOtherId }}

@theodorDiaconu I'd suggest looking at meteor/minimongo and using their LocalCollection._idsMatchedBySelector function.

Pagebakers commented 5 years ago

Any ETA on getting this fixed?

ndroo commented 3 years ago

Is there anyone willing to look into this? I'd be keep to help support the effort.