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workPerformed add-on for Event structured data template #136

Open dlh28 opened 2 weeks ago

dlh28 commented 2 weeks ago

While consulting the Artsdata Instructions – Schema Event properties spreadsheet, I noticed that although we offer guidance for modelling the workPerformed property, this property is not actually present in the Artsdata event structured data template.

Several participants in this year's and last year's Digital Discoverability Program expressed an interest in modelling workPerformed in their event structured data – particularly classical music presenters, whose audiences often search the web for live performances of works by specific composers. As a result, I started offering my own version of a workPerformed add-on, as requested. @fjjulien agreed with my initial proposal for adding a formalized version to the template and proposed expanding the scope of the workPerformed add-on to describe either a performance works or a dramatic work.

Here is the newly modified version of my original workPerformed add-on. I also proposed a revision to the existing workPerformed instructions in the spreadsheet above, providing additional clarification on the use of sameAs URIs and the creator subproperty.

Once we are satisfied with the add-on, I can submit a pull request to the Artsdata data model.

@saumier @GaryMan1968

fjjulien commented 2 weeks ago

@dlh28 I think you included the essential properties for describing a performance work (or musical work, dramatic work, or musico-dramatic work). I would only add a couple array brackets for the following values:

The creator object could also be made into an array, but it's probably best to keep it simple.