Signé Laval has several touristic events like the one on the banks of the island of Laval. To enable a good model for these types of events without an address, I think we should add the concept of longitude, latitude to “Place” in Artsdata. And the SHACL will allow for a list of coordinates as a valid Place even if there is no PostalAddress. We still need to figure out an event like that has 20 points with no starting point.
Signé Laval has several touristic events like the one on the banks of the island of Laval. To enable a good model for these types of events without an address, I think we should add the concept of longitude, latitude to “Place” in Artsdata. And the SHACL will allow for a list of coordinates as a valid Place even if there is no PostalAddress. We still need to figure out an event like that has 20 points with no starting point.