culturecreates / artsdata-google-workspace-smart-chip

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2425-W-002 Google Smart Chips - phase 1 #2

Closed saumier closed 2 months ago

saumier commented 3 months ago


Prototype a Google Sheet to upload simple events to Artsdata and using Google smart chips to preview URIs directly in the Google sheet. Artsdata K-number URIs can be entered directly into the spreadsheet for places, performers, organizers, event types, etc. instead of having to enter the data about each manually.

The idea is to use smart chips so the user could roll over cells to see the full details from Artsdata.

We want to demo the user experience of entering events into the spreadsheet and uploading to Artsdata.

Here is a Google sheet but without the smart chip (not built yet). But if you roll over the Main Webpage URL cell you can get an idea of the smart chip potential.

Fields for prototype:

This proptype would develop a smart chip feature of Google sheets:

  1. preview-links - to make a card appear when you roll over the K-number to display the name and details from Artsdata.

Use Case

This is the user flow for the MVP.

  1. open a copy of a Google sheet with the standard column headers and the "Artsdata smart chip" extension already added
  2. Enter your event data
  3. Review your work (roll over K-numbers to see the full details in the smart chip)
  4. Open another browser window and go to
  5. Login using your GitHub account
  6. Select load Google spreadsheet from the menu (new for Gregory to add to Nebula)
  7. In the form enter the url of the spreadsheet and click the load button.
  8. Nebula triggers a Github workflow that is configured with standard column headings using OntoRefine to download the spreadsheet url (passed as parameter), convert to RDF and upload data via the Artsdata Databus.


The timeline s to have an MVP by mid June, so that Dessa (CAPACOA) can recruit potential testers at the ArtsReach conference, on June 25.

Bonus: After the minimal use flow is working, we can create a smart chip for reconciliation. For example in the performer cell you would start by typing the name of the performer and then selecting a K-number match from the popup list in the smart chip.

Bonus: The spreadsheet should display the Artsdata URI for events (read only) after the spreadsheet is uploaded. The script would automatically add the event URIs.

saumier commented 3 months ago

@dev-aravind I changed the Artsdata response when dereferencing to not expand the sameAs. So now there is less data and both entities look more similar. K5-381, K16-294

dev-aravind commented 2 months ago

@saumier I've added a workflow to push events to artsdata using a google sheet. Please check the event in nebula and let me know if you need any changes.

saumier commented 2 months ago

@dev-aravind I took a look. Great to see the spreadsheet imported to Artsdata. I will spend some time to try to suggest ways to shorten the workflow because I think there are several steps that may not be needed. For example there maybe a way to connect a drive to the Ontotext docker so you don't have to download the mapping file. But those will be optimizations for after the main use case can be demoed.

If we stay focused on getting the main use case, then you should advance the smart chip extension and I will advance adding a form to Nebula to allow a person to enter a url for a spreadsheet so we can trigger the workflow with an http action and pass the spreadsheet url and artifact as parameters.

saumier commented 2 months ago

@dev-aravind I added the docker-compose and shell script. So you should be able to just run the script and it will open Ontorefine with the configurations for RDF mapping and the same data in my_sheet.csv already loaded.

I also renamed the folder data to ontorefine when configuring shell script.

saumier commented 2 months ago

Can you check why the email is sent to 3rd party when using this extension?


saumier commented 2 months ago

@dev-aravind Can you also find out how to add info about the add-on info icon.


dev-aravind commented 2 months ago

@saumier The reason why the email is needed is because our script is actually called as an API by google in it's current state, which requires authorization. The url, the link of the app script project and the user details are sent as payload by the API. Once we can deploy and publish it, there will be an authorization pop-up mentioned details about our extension, what it does and what permissions it needs.

The basic add on information can be added using the manifest file. I'll update that and the additional details to be displayed for the entities tommorow.

dev-aravind commented 2 months ago

@saumier The add-on cannot be made available to anybody who has access to the sheet in it's current state, but the custom menus can be mapped to the onOpen function, so any user opening the sheet with editor access will see the menu (look at the custom menu here without installing the apps script).

saumier commented 2 months ago

@dev-aravind when I try your sheet here the smart chip is working with https as well as the menu.

I think this is related to the test environment being restricted to within an organization. Can you continue to find a way to enable the smart chip to work for other users not in Culture creates? Can we publish it to move into out of the test deployment area? The real question is how can we get this into the hands of a user that we know called Dessa at CAPACOA so she can make a demo to her colleagues. Can we invite her to a spreadsheet with the app script published somewhere?

Here is some feedback:




saumier commented 2 months ago

Demo video made and sent to CAPACOA