culturecreates / artsdata-shortcode

Wordpress plugin for Artsdata
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Cannot mint member Boulev'Art because it is a duplicate with Boulevart #26

Open saumier opened 1 year ago

saumier commented 1 year ago

Capacoa member 137 Boulev'Art duplicate with member 66 Boulevart.

Member 66 has been minted with

The member 137 should be removed from the CAPACOA database (Wordpress).

fjjulien commented 1 year ago

I brought this issue to Chandel's attention.

fjjulien commented 11 months ago

It looks as though Chandel did the opposite of what you requested: user_id=137 is still there, but user_id=66 no longer seems to exist. I'm seeking confirmation. More on this soon.

saumier commented 11 months ago

It looks as though Chandel did the opposite of what you requested: user_id=137 is still there, but user_id=66 no longer seems to exist. I'm seeking confirmation. More on this soon.

@fjjulien I can link user_id=137 if that is better. Let me know. As long as there is no duplicate then I can make it work.

fjjulien commented 11 months ago

@saumier Chandel did not reply to my text message. Since user_id=66 no longer exists, please proceed and link the Artsdata ID to user_id=137.

fjjulien commented 11 months ago

@saumier Chandel finally replied. User 66 still exists, but there are some odd things with this data record. Please give us a little more time to troubleshoot the issue and to figure out which record to keep and to delete.

fjjulien commented 10 months ago

user_id=137 is now deleted. This issue can be closed.