culturecreates / footlight-aggregator

A tool to inject entities from Artsdata to footlight
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Aggregators NOT running #73

Closed saumier closed 6 months ago

saumier commented 7 months ago

None of the aggregators have run successfully since Nov 2nd. When you look at the time to complete all of the recent workflow jobs over the past 3 weeks, the time to run drops substantially to less than a minute, whereas before Nov 2 is was taking several minutes.

Please investigate. An idea that pops into mind is the Nginx firewall for Admin API.

Expected behaviour: If there is a 403 Forbidden error during the job run, then the entire job should fail. Github has a rich set of features to notify users when jobs fail. Other types of errors should also cause the job to fail, but not a 408 "Request Timeout" during a batch call to Artsdata when there can sometimes be an individual batch failure due to a timeout.

Current behaviour: One of the steps in the job has an Axios 403 Forbidden error and the job still passes and we are not aware of a problem.

saumier commented 7 months ago

@troughc @sahalali This is the issue blocking events coming from Co-motion to Footlight CMS that Maude complained about this morning.

sahalali commented 7 months ago

The issue related to the aggregator was the latest firewall update done in the production server. That issue is fixed and all the 4 actions ran successfully.

I am now trying to see, how to make the "action failed" while any unexpected error occurred while running the script. So that we will be informed when fail.

saumier commented 7 months ago

@sahalali I have setup a test in the Ville de Laval workflow with an invalid CMS API ( -i I will check on Thursday if the workflow failed and if I received an email.

If yes, then I will close this issue.

BTW, thanks for breaking long lines into multiple lines. Much much appreciated and easier to read and edit.

saumier commented 6 months ago

test worked. I'm closing.