Hello @sahalali I received the following email from D'ICI.CA (Culture Mauricie)
"The new imports received this morning do not seem to have valid images. This has been the case for a few weeks with the Amphithéâtre Cogeco, but now the imports from Culture Shawinigan also seem to have the same problem."
Can you take a look at "acogeco" and "ashawinigan" in D'ICI.CA Production CMS.
Hello @sahalali I received the following email from D'ICI.CA (Culture Mauricie)
"The new imports received this morning do not seem to have valid images. This has been the case for a few weeks with the Amphithéâtre Cogeco, but now the imports from Culture Shawinigan also seem to have the same problem."
Can you take a look at "acogeco" and "ashawinigan" in D'ICI.CA Production CMS.
Thank you.