[ ] add more options to the context menu on the right of a concept (Do not do the "Set as default" option in this issue - we will do this in a separate issue as it is complex)
[ ] When a concept is in edit mode, the user should not be able to move the row.
[ ] When a user adds a new concept row, the first field should be set to edit mode and be empty. This will tell the user to add the concept name right away (and help avoid having badly named concepts). All concepts in the row should be empty fields. This way the fallback language will be used if the user doesn't fill the other fields.
[ ] If a field is empty, the user needs to be able to enter it in edit mode. There is a cursor for this in the screenshot below. Note that there is also a checkmark they can use to save the change.
Please review this screenshot from the figma for guidance.
Usability enhancement (user experience) for #1302 See figma https://www.figma.com/design/DBnSSMT9Etfm6guDKKSp8O/Culture-Creates---Footlight-Calendar?node-id=11193-74280&t=zJtuT9Pep9N1Ofuj-1
To do in this issue:
Please review this screenshot from the figma for guidance.