culturehack / data-tool

A collection of cultural data sets and sources & a website to browse them.
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QUESTION: How to integrate editorial with data tool pages? #2

Open mildlydiverting opened 11 years ago

mildlydiverting commented 11 years ago

How do we cross reference between data tool and editorial on main CH site?

In order to pull WP posts through / evidence hacks, how do we best combine this with the data tool entry points?

frankieroberto commented 11 years ago

One approach would be to use the same workflow as for the datasources, ie a folder full of Markdown files (with YAML front matter). These could cross-reference datasource integers through a field in the YAML.

The downside to this is that it'd mean editing those pages in GitHub / instead of Wordpress. The pros are that it'd be fast to run, and contributions could be solicited through GitHub.

Another approach would be to simply add a section to the existing markdown files with content on hacks using that data set. This is the least-intervention approach, as it wouldn't require any code changes. However it'd make it impossible to have a 'browse hacks' section, without duplicating that info (e.g. in Wordpress).

Finally, we could try and parse this information out from Wordpress somehow, but that'd be complex, and we'd have to think about caching and performance.

we-are-caper commented 11 years ago

How much work is this? I don't see it as being launch critical for what we're doing now; would be happy to return to it at a later date if we get some more funding.

mildlydiverting commented 11 years ago

More of a placeholder for 'think about this' - moving to a future development / backlog, and marking onhold.