culturesofknowledge / emplaces

Early Modern Places
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Discussion: Provenance pages #19

Open kintopp opened 6 years ago

kintopp commented 6 years ago

The sample data will need to be provided per element.. that is, separate Sources texts (as modal pop-ups) for each functional area in the detail view.

kintopp commented 6 years ago

This is going to take some time to pull together. We do, in principle, have the data for this for Opele, but I need to confer with Miranda about what other fields, if any, need to be added here. For example, will this require a notes field as well.

kintopp commented 6 years ago

I've given this more thought and realised that we're going to have to have to link Sources to a separate page with a list of contributors and their sources for that element. Alternatively, to one Sources page with contributors grouped per element. Without this, we can't provide the necessary granularity for user contributions. We need to be able to say that Jane contributed to the calendar element, and Peter contributed a name attestation etc. This is important, since it's how we can allow other researchers to contact them via their profile pages if there are queries. My preference is to have a Source page per element, since this provides more flexibility.

kintopp commented 6 years ago

Discussed with Marnix on 5.7. Need to consider whether separate Source pages are needed per entry (e.g. per row in the case of Name Attestations) or per element (i.e. one Sources page for Name Attestations, then with a table listing each entry). The advantage of the former is that it makes it easier for others to cite an individual contribution.

kintopp commented 6 years ago

Core Data

"EM Places is a derivative work of the GeoNames dataset, re-used under CC-BY (v3)."

Note: A generic statement should suffice to indicate reuse of the data source. If we can add the import date, all the better.

Name Attestations

Name: Source: Contributor: Last Modified: Notes:
Opol Dokumenty Śląska Dariusz Gierczak 2018-03-07 lorem ipsum

Note: Need to prepare a sample citation.


Source: Contributor: Last Modified: Notes
Tomsa (1995) Dariusz Gierczak 2018-03-07 lorem ipsum

Note: Need to prepare a sample citation. Since the source is likely to be a bibliographic entry, I suggest referencing it only. Even simpler (but no longer useful?) would be (as for historical hierarchies) to just reference the bibliography generally.

Related Places

"Please refer to the respective related place page for source and credit details."

Note: Putting the sourcing on a different page than the data is awkward, hence this pointer. At the bottom of the related data page, we'd then put:

Source: License: Contributor: Citation: Last Modified: Notes
National Heritage Board of Poland CC-BY Arno Bosse list citation formats 2018-07-08 lorem ipsum


Map (Date): Source: License: Contributor: Citation: Last Modified: Notes
Jan Baptista Vrients (1608) David Rumsey CC-BY Dariusz Gierczak list citation formats 2018-07-08 lorem ipsum

Note: Need to add sample citation (i.e. for contributing the link, and possibly geo-referencing it first). Does this need to be citable? For consistency?

Historical Hierarchies

Historical Hierarchy: Source: Contributor: Citation: Last Modified: Notes
Administrative See bibliography Dariusz Gierczak list citation formats 2018-03-07 lorem ipsum

Note: Since contributing to the historical hierarchy is in effect contributing (to) a historical place, it makes sense to record this on the respective place details page. On the other hand, this prevents one from discovering who contributed to a historical place hierarchy specifically. It's also difficult to assign one source to a historical attribution. This too, suggests referencing the place detail view and its bibliography and list of contributors. On the other hand, the work required to research and contribute entities and hierarchy data is considerable. The compromise suggested above, is to create an entry as above, but to refer to the entity's bibliography for the source.

kintopp commented 6 years ago

Arno to follow-up with Miranda and others for feedback.

kintopp commented 6 years ago

Arno to change Sources to Provenance.

gklyne commented 6 years ago

I'm currently planning to handle provenance via em:Source resources, unless any modelling problems crop up when we see what auto-generated provenance we get from Timbuctoo.