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为Django项目配置最小化的Nginx和Gunicorn配置[翻译] #23

Open cundi opened 8 years ago

cundi commented 8 years ago


Minimal Nginx and Gunicorn configuration for Django projects

We will see how to deploy a Django project with nginx and gunicorn.

It was easier for me to understand nginx and gunicorn on development machine and then move to a publicly accessible server. So, we will cover this post in a similar sequence:

On development machine

We will use a minimal project with two apps and few static files. You can view this project at github.

Project structure:

|-- other_app
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- static
|   |   `-- other_app
|   |       `-- styles.css
|   |--
|   |--
|   `--
|-- project_static
|   `-- base.css
|-- requirements.txt
|-- some_app
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- static
|   |   `-- some_app
|   |       `-- styles.css
|   |--
|   |--
|   `--
|-- templates
|   |-- other_app
|   |   `-- home.html
|   `-- some_app
|       `-- home.html
|-- test.db
`-- test_project

This project was started using startproject test_project, so this structure is inside folder _testproject.

Cloning and trying it out would help you follow along, so go ahead and clone this project.

Our assumption is that we are working from the same level as

Runserver and verify that you can access


First url should have a red background and the second one should have a blue background.

This project uses some static resources, you should check our post on serving static file if you are confused about serving static files during development.

Stop runserver and start using Gunicorn

Stop the Django development server.

Make sure you have gunicorn installed, else install it with

pip install gunicorn

Gunicorn is a WSGI compliant server and you need to pass your application object to it. You should read about Basics of WSGI if you are not comfortable with wsgi.

Django provides an application object. The default structure provided by django-admin startproject gives a file which contains the application. You need to pass this application to gunicorn.

Run gunicorn passing it the application:

gunicorn test_project.wsgi:application

Note: In the recent django versions the wsgi file extension has been changed it is a python module(ex: and so you can serve it with just module name like below

gunicorn test_project:application

Refresh your page at http://localhost:8000/some_app/home. Your page should be served, however the red background must have vanished.

Red background vanished because the static files(stylesheets) are not being served anymore. They are not being served because we do not have any url pattern for /static/ in Earlier they were served because we were using Django development server, i.e runserver, which does some magical things behind the scence to serve static files.

Add nginx to this configuration

Gunicorn is meant to serve dynamic content, it should not be used to serve static files. We will add nginx to serve static files.

We want to serve static files from port 8000 and so it is required that gunicorn listens on some different port. Stop gunicorn and run it on port 8001.

gunicorn test_project.wsgi:application --bind=

Now you will not be able to see your page at http://localhost:8000/some_app/home/. It will be available on port 8001 at http://localhost:8001/some_app/home.

Make sure you have nginx installed or install it with:

sudo apt-get install nginx

Nginx acts as a reverse proxy here. All our request will initially come to nginx. It's for nginx to decide what requests it wants to serve and what requests it wants to pass to some other server.

In our case, we want nginx to serve requests for static resources and to pass any other request to gunicorn.

We need to tell nginx the location of our static resources and for that we need to make sure all our static resources are at a single location. Run python collectstatic to collect all the static resources at location specified by STATIC_ROOT.


STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, '../staticfiles/')

Run collectstatic:

python collectstatic

You should see that a directory staticfiles gets created at the same level as All your static files must have got copied to this directory. Get the path of this directory, we need it in the alias directive of nginx cofiguration.

Create a file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example and add following content to it.

server {
    listen localhost:8000;

    location / {

    location /static/ {
        autoindex on;
        alias /home/akshar/staticvirt/test_project/staticfiles/;

Your alias directive will differ from mine.

Make sure nginx is running:

sudo service nginx restart

Nginx is listening for requests now.

Refresh page at http://localhost:8000/some_app/home/, the page should be visible with red background which conforms that static files are being served properly.


eg: If request comes for http://localhost:8000/some_app/home, nginx tries to match it with one of the location defined in the configuration file. In this case, it matches with first location. Nginx sees that a proxy_pass is defined in this case so it passes this request to the proxy_pass which is Gunicorn is listening at port 8001, so gunicorn will repond to this request.

When a request comes for http://localhost:8000/static/some_app/styles.css, Nginx looks into the directory pointed to by alias which is staticfiles. It tries to find some_app/styles.css inside this directory and if this file is available then serves the file.

Now we are comfortable with serving django sites with nginx and gunicorn.

Deploy on a publicly accessible server.

I will use domain for illustration. We need to do the following things on the server where A record of domain points.

We don't need any change for gunicorn and can run it in the same way:

gunicorn test_project.wsgi:application --bind=

Create file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example on the server and add content:

server {
  listen 80; 
  location / { 

  location /static/ {
    alias /home/ubuntu/staticvirt/test_project/staticfiles/;

This file is almost similar to the nginx conf we had on development machine.

Make sure that you have collected the static files in directory staticfiles.

Some differences in this nginx conf and dev machine's nginx conf are:

After this a request for would be served properly from this server.

Running gunicorn the way we did, will keep it in the foreground and we will have to stop gunicorn to exit from the server. So, we need to run it as a daemon.

Run gunicorn as daemon:

gunicorn test_project.wsgi:application --bind= --daemon

With this, gunicorn runs as a background process and we can quit from the server without affecting gunicorn.

Till now, we have set various configurations for gunicorn, like --bind and --daemon, on the terminal. The suggested way to do it is using configuration file. You can read about it at another post we wrote and should move these configurations to a separate file.