cuneyttyler / Green-Hell-Mods

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Modify Nutritionrate/Timespeed mods questions +2 #2

Open Aren4657 opened 5 months ago

Aren4657 commented 5 months ago

Hi there! Thank you so much for your work on all your mods! \o/ I especially love the "modify" mods!!

I play this game basically like stardew valley, so without enemies and predators and more focused on building/cooking/smelting/farming/animalhusbandry, and I love the longer days to feel a certain sense of relaxation/living in the moment. Though with the watch being reversed in how much nutrition you need instead of how much your nutrition is filled, I'm kinda missing the old way it was displayed x) So I was wondering if you might be interested in maybe making a toggle for it? I was also wondering if it might be possible to make some sort of scaler or smth for the timespeed/energydecay/nutritiondepletion so that I can tailor it to the exact speeds im looking for, because for me the day is still moving a tad too fast.

Also I was wondering how complicated it would be to make new recipes, I kinda ran with all the interesting things I could spawn (like canned food, amazonia storyfood and the metal pot/machette/modern axe/professional axe) and handcrafted some recipes for them, but it would be so much more fun if I would actually be able to craft them ingame instead of having to delete items myself + spawn in the "crafted" item. For balancing reasons though it might be nice if there would be a little config voor them so that everyone can alter the recipes to their liking, to fit different playstyles. Also it seems that all mushrooms have a dried version of them (as well as the fruits/cassave/malanga bulb/palmheart) but only 2 out of the 7 different types of mushrooms can be put on a dryingrack, would that be difficult to add to all of them? I have no experience with coding or anything so I have no idea if it's a lot of work or not, but it would be so awesome to have :D So yeah, I thought I could ask, but ofc feel free to shoot me down if it's a whole lot of work you're not interested in!!

Thank you so much for your time and have a great week!!


Aren4657 commented 5 months ago

Btw I'm noticing that since I started using your mods, it suddenly still drains my nutrients when im in the Escape Menu for some time, while before that would actually pause the game for me, I guess that might be accidental?

cuneyttyler commented 5 months ago


Thank you for your comments. Developing a 'switch' for nutrition mod and inputs for timespeed/energy decay etc. is possible and would not require much effort. I'd like to develop these but at the current moment, I do not have much time to spend on modding. But if I do it I'll tell you.

On the other hand, making new recipes is a complicated subject. I tried to edit notebook for example for another mod but I wasn't able to. So, unfortunately I can't do that.

About Escape menu draining, I realized that also but didn't do anything about it since it just drains just a percentage and doesn't continue draining. If I look at the above issues, I might think of checking this too.

Anyway, thank you again and enjoy!

Wishing you the best.