cupOJoseph / storj-web-gateway

A web gateway to the storj network.
MIT License
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Proposal: propose a way we can drive IPFS adoption with a cool app built on top of it #9

Closed cupOJoseph closed 5 years ago

cupOJoseph commented 5 years ago

At the moment, most IPFS apps have issues with adoption, and seem clunky to use. There are few applications that provide a great user/developer experience.

At any given point in time, there are a high number of dead links on the IPFS subreddit, as there is little incentive for users to replicate and ensure availability the data of other users (outside of altruism).

Assume our goal is to create a less clunky experience where IPFS adds value. We want to drive adoption and show off to people learning about this tech that it could be very useful to the apps they are building. One idea related to this is a video player or image explorer like imgur, where instead of just returning a .png file like most ipfs explorers do, the ipfs app has a nice viewer and user experience. Another might be related to availability of public data sets like FFHQ (used in StyleGAN) for consistency/immutability of core training datasets across ML projects.

Please write a detailed proposal for an app that we could build on Storj IPFS as a comment in this issue. Here are some questions to answer:

What is your app idea?

Why does it benefit from using IPFS?

Who would use it and how?

How would it be implemented? What tech would you use?

How much would you think it would cost to build this if we funded it?

Target is about $40 an hour via gitcoin bounties.

We will split this bounty between the top 3 proposals we see here.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 666.0 STORJ (178.49 USD @ $0.27/STORJ) attached to it as part of the storj fund.

DistributedDoge commented 5 years ago

File Raffle

Imagine two parties: "IPFS-Storer" wants to store his file on IPFS in as many copies possible.

"IPFS-User" is running his node, but needs some incentive to actually store/host anything else besides personal collection of cat pictures.

Solution - a raffle. I am going to pretend that Raffle prizes are going to be sent in Ether, because ETH is cool.

Workflow for IPFS-Storer
Workflow for IPFS-User
Workflow for RaffleService
Target audience

Casual IPFS users that want to have fun and possibly earn a token amounts of money. The process should be as simple as possible to allow non-technically inclined people to take part.

Casual IPFS users that want to ensure data is stored in more than just one copy.


Some thought could be given to incentive structure. E.g. Imagine that chance of winning a raffle increases with each hour for which the file is hosted - thusly preventing folks from just uploading the file seconds before raffle deadline and deleting it afterwards.

Good feature of the raffle in its naive implementation (one copy of file hosted by me = one ticket) is that in case of multiple ongoing raffles with the same prize (e.g. 1ETH each) the most appealing one is the one which file has least number of copies hosted already (i.e. I have the highest chance to win by hosting an additional copy) thusly auto-balancing the system.

IPFS and Storj

People who are interested in low-friction introduction to IPFS can use the proposed service for fun. If someone proves to be a reliable raffle participant, they could be referred to Storj Storage Node program.

Tech and Implementation

Flask webserver for handling business logic (Raffle) - if cryptocurrency/token transfers are involved it would need to interface with Ethereum network.


I would reckon it could be 600-1200$ judging from typical rates I see on freelancer sites.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 1 year, 11 months ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) distributeddoge has started work.

See my comment. [moretexttobypass30charlimit] 2) lrgeoemtry has started work.

Be the CTO of Have HERC that utilizes IPFS Show HERC in motion ??? Profit

but no seriously go use 3) brianxv has started work.

There is a dapp called Enzypt Their github is I used it to create an ebook store

Enzypt uses ipfs to transfer files, It's free and 100% of sales go to the content creators. I have used their dapp, it's one of my favorites, however there are a few things I would change. This is relevant to your bounty. There is a 100mb file limit on Enzypt. As a content creator I wouldn't mind if a reasonable percentage of my revenue went to support a dapp that did the same thing as Enzypt (incentivising those that support the network) and maybe the limit on the file size could be raised seeing as how network supporters are compensated. 4) santteegt has started work.

Proposal definition at 5) scammi has started work.


Medical passport, lets you upload critical medical information, stores it safely and makes it available in an emergency.

WebApp that stores on IPFS a small file with medical relevant information for emergencies and makes it available on the fly with a QR code. Helping your physician make a faster and better decision. The QR code can be embedded on a bracelet, necklace, tattoo, or even on an implanted on an NFC. A tag will specify that it should be scan in case of an emergency. So scanning the code will give access to the information

I made a working prototype for the competition where I finish #11 in Americas (non-US) and was also mention at IPFS Weekly 19 blog. This a small step of what could be a whole ecosystem where you could store your complete medical record.

Why does it benefit from using IPFS?

How would it be implemented?

MedPass would be a Dapp, where the front end would be created using React/Redux, the medical information would be store using IPFS or Storj , and a blockchain such as ethereum to store the hash that points to the information.


  1. The patient access a webpage, where you fill a form with your medical data.
  2. The information will be push and pin to the IPFS network.
  3. The hash will be placed in an ethereum transaction
  4. A QR code will be generated with the transaction
  5. In an emergency, the doctor will scan the QR code
  6. The phone will be will to access the hash inside the transaction.
  7. Information is downloaded from IPFS and displayed.

Building it.

Since the application bones are working it only needs polishing my guess is that with 20h it could be completed. The things that need to be added are.

App Name: SuperShare

SuperShare is a first lossless compression and cloud image compression and sharing app which enable people move their images from one pear device to another pear high speed , low storage and network cost.

Why does it benefit from using IPFS?

How would it be implemented? What tech would you use?

SuperShare is to be builed on tope of ImageZero ("IZ") a low-level, high-performance, in-memory, lossless color image compression C++ template library, available under BSD 2-clause license. It is intended to be used by image database applications, photo manipulation software, or other applications where simple RLE or no compression had been used because of performance or complexity considerations.

IZ is designed with photographic images in mind, where other fast compression algorithms (e.g. QuickLZ) fail to obtain any significant compression rate. With IZ, the compressed size for natural 24-bit photographic images is usually around 30% ...50% of uncompressed size. Depending on the image, IZ often compresses better than PNG or JPEG-LS. For very compressible images, however, the compression rate can be much worse than the rate obtained with any other compression algorithm. (

As a result files will be able to move much more effectively over Storj and IPFS pear to pear network. at half the price of the big guys.

Who would use it and how?

SuperShare APP will be used bay any user willing to share image file much more effectively in terms of speed and low storage cost.

How much would you think it would cost to build this if we funded it?

This app will cost 1000 usd to builed and it requires about 25 man work hrs at 40 USD rate.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 666.0 STORJ (188.41 USD @ $0.28/STORJ) has been submitted by:

  1. @distributeddoge

@jschiarizzi please take a look at the submitted work:

santteegt commented 5 years ago


I don't have a slot available to apply (Start work) to this bounty. Is it possible to send my proposal and if it gets selected, apply later to get the reward?

cupOJoseph commented 5 years ago

Yes, just comment it here, I'll do tips for multiple winners

santteegt commented 5 years ago

Decentralized data storage for fully decentralized data marketplaces built on top of OceanProtocol

Ocean Protocol is an ecosystem for the data economy and associated services, with a tokenized service layer that securely exposes data, storage, compute and algorithms for consumption.

Ocean Protocol mainnet Tethys Beta V1 will be released at the end of Q1 2019, and Its main objective is to kickstart a new data economy by breaking down data silos and equalizing access to data for all through data marketplaces.

As part of its protocol design, Ocean will allow suppliers of all sorts (web2.0 & 3.0) to publish their assets to decentralized tribal communes and tokenize their service value.

However, Ocean currently provides some library implementations to connect with publishers data assets that live on centralized data storage solutions (Azure Storage, Amazon S3, and on-premise). Using IPFS and Storj within the protocol is part of their plans, but there is the need of some kind of application that both minimizes the friction for adoption by web2.0 data providers and enable a true decentralized data storage solution that guarantees data replication and availability.


Integrate a Storj-IPFS backend solution that ease the implementaton of fully decentralized data marketplaces on top of Ocean Protocol with guaranteed replication, data availability and at half of the price of current centralized alternatives.

Target Audience

Implementation details

How much would implement a you think it would cost to build this if we funded it?

Similar bounties published by Ocean Protocol were valued between 4000-10000 PROCN tokens ($0.25 at token launch).

Anish-Agnihotri commented 5 years ago


OpenSign was an open-sourced decentralized document signing and notary platform, built with an IPFS backbone, which is no longer maintained. As an individual who loves to work with IPFS, I've built a couple of projects where I've integrated OpenSign and gradually begun to update the platform (moving it away from its existing Embark stack). These can be found here: Encrypton and SignRecord.

This platform allows individuals to upload waivers and legal documents to IPFS and generate provably fair signed hashes from each applicant. It's not unsimilar from current commercial centralized solutions like Docusign. For the legal industry, having verifiable document integrity, while at the same time ensuring that users are able to sign and legally bind themselves to an agreement is a win-win situation.

Why does it benefit from using IPFS?

IPFS and Storj is a fantastic combo (I think we've spoken about this together through the Gitcoin Slack in the past). Offering an affordable, easy-to-use solution to commercial platforms like Docusign is a fantastic offering.

The affordable, decentralized storage of documents is great for a platform like this, and the ability to verify that each and every user has signed the document hash on the blockchain provides greater security to the end-user and the client.

Personally, I know there are times when I show up to hackathons and they complain that they have not received my waiver signature when I'm sure I've signed it. By using a platform like OpenSign, I'd be able to verify my legal standing in a decentralized fashion, ensured by the security of the network. I believe it would have the same applications in the legal industry.

Who would us it and how?

Besides just events, and other individuals who need to have verifiable liability signatures and other legal signatures, there is a large market for a solution like this in the Legal, Medical, and Notary industries.

I'd like to make it as simple as possible to use this tool, by making it so that you don't even need to use MetaMask if you don't want to. By offering keystore generation, I'd offer even non-crypto users easy access to the platform.

I also plan to integrate UPort, so that users can easily link their waiver endorsements directly to their identity.

How would it be implemented?

I'd build the platform with a Vue front-end and compile the static front-end (which I'd deploy directly to IPFS). Then, I'd setup an Express back-end + Vue (TypeScript) front-end where I would embed the static front-end, and built the application around there.

I'd use Solidity for developing the smart contracts.

As for timeline, I'd estimate this to take a little under a month of development, with a testnet demo being deployed before the third week, at the latest. Beyond that time, I'd request reviews before going live on mainnet.

How much do you think it would cost to build this?

Based on a $40/hour estimated rate, I'd predict a development of this size to take anywhere from 20-35 hours, putting the cost of project at $800-$1,400. In the case that I am selected for the bounty, I'd be happy to provide a cost-breakdown, and sign appropriate contractor agreements if necessary.

Happy to further discuss, thanks for the opportunity,


nuke-web3 commented 5 years ago

Community Resources: IPFS Framework for Swarm of Peer Nodes

The Community Resources (CORE) project aims to develop a suite of tools for communities to self-host and maintain common shared resources on a semi-trusted distributed peer network. Each IPFS enabled peer node will also (optionally) be globally connected IPFS to spur adoption and use of IPFS outside the context of just this application and peer swarm. CORE transcends it's needs integrating powerful tools that encourage and empower users to adopt dWeb technologies.

CORE will be crafted simultaneously from both the bottom up (in it's decentralized node architecture) and top down (in easy and intuitive UI for devs and users). Key plug-in features that interface with the node network will include:

The kicker: this system will be designed such that intrinsic motivations are the primary incentives to host and serve community resources. The network will maintain itself based on increasing access to features and utility on the network based on your increasing resource contribution to the network. Thus no token of payment/extrinsic value (storj/filecoin) will be required to assure data being redundant and accessible on the community swarm.

We are primarily proposing to receive funding to develop the IPFS architecture as an MVP that these plug-in features will bolt onto.

Why does it benefit from using IPFS? :computer: :spider_web: :computer:

  1. The swarm of semi-trusted peer nodes that are all pubsub'ed to each other will all host the community's shared resources. Thus the more nodes, and more live-time those nodes have, the more robust and redundant the network becomes. IPFS makes the management and sharing of data here very fluid, and revisions of data in the swarm easy to track and authenticate by know swarm members. Tools like OrbitDB make this even more streamlined.

  2. IPNS enables signing of CIDs, as well as messages in general. We propose to use a client-side IPNS key-pair generator based on BIP39 or similar methodology such that (as an optional plug-in to the base framework) a user's profile/login can amount to a brain wallet.

    • If one inputs the same string into the generator, they will client-side generate a unique static key-pair that can be used to prove to the swarm that they are the respective user associated with that IPNS address.
    • Open and public meta data hosted on the swarm about that IPNS address can be assigned an all iterations from that user can be signed by their respective private key from any machine they decide to generate it in, on the fly. Thus the UX is much like any central service for login, where account information comes up when they put in the right credential and all iterations on the network are attributed to you based on your IPNS ID. All without any central/single authority/maintainer in the system storing and authenticating user data.
    • NOTE: Future plug-in integrations can leverage IPLD to easily incorporate any key-signing/user controlled ID utility for this service, such as 3Box or Uport
  3. Nodes can easily open up to the full IPFS network (possibly by default on dedicated installed instances ) to enable adoption of the tech for a global network. Also incentivizes IPFS gateways to be community run at least one per swarm, so more entry points into IPFS in general.

Who would use it and how? :family_man_girl_boy: :family_woman_girl_boy:

To start, the Colorado Blockchain community will pilot and battletest the software throughout development and beyond. The design is such that it will be best suited for 1st and possibly 2nd order socially connected people with a common set of resources they value in hosting for each other on their shared swarm. Much more and they dynamics will start to breakdown in the connective glue of common values and personal reputation among semi-trusted and known peers.

The intrinsic motivation to host a node will be for recognition and clout within the community to start. The peer network can track metrics (on chain possibly?) of peers enabling a leader board of contributing members. This would also highlight to community members that there is no central/outsourced entity that operates this - your peers do. Impressing that you know the people who operate this service, and can show appreciation to them for it. This will be much further solidified by the (optional) requirement to host and keep-alive a node to post persistent shared data to the network.

The key working example: The community events/jobs/bulletin listings:

We would also pilot a community decided "paywall" on content hosted by non-persistent nodes/users. Example: Your chat messages are community hosted for 30 days, and then are garbage collected. If you would like to persist them, you need to run a node that stores your own history and refreshes the content across the network when garbage collected. (Or optionally pay your peers to do it for you via stoj or filecoin plug-ins)

The long-term goal is that we build a solid CORE framework that is easy for any other community to fork and make their own swarm with the plug-in features they collectively desire. We also endeavor to make the framework interoperable in a higher-order community federated network. This is another place the IPFS excels - that all swarms will use a common name space for CIDs, IPNS, and interface to share across any IPLD network. We hope that a nested mesh of swarms develops and communities of communities form around a different sate of core resources and values they share. Further this (kinda in secret) is a way to drive the use of IPFS natively by all community members because it is the best/only way to access these utilities. But once you have a node installed, you also are now native to the global IPFS network! What better way to get adoption, eh?

How would it be implemented? :construction_worker_woman: :construction_worker_man:

There will be two (possibly up to four) methods to run a node, increasing in the level of hardware requirements, commitment to the community, and desired access to features by node hosts:

  1. A [js-ipfs] in-browser node that will (while the community site is loaded) also host and serve minimal components of the community resources - like the website itself. But this instance will not persist data.

  2. (optional) A Browser Extension node that will be active so long as you have that browser open and access to the swarm network. This will also persist data and maintain more resources.

  3. (optional) A PWA that can be installed and set to run on any device in the background/ Similar functionality to the extension, but now if your device is up and connected at all, you are active.

  4. A Containerized Deploy-able / Install-able Node (go-ipfs + docker/podman). This can persist data, and optionally provide more resources for the community - like a community IPFS gateway, and very high uptime/throughput.

In the context of this proposal, we would identify the js or go IPFS node to develop an MVP. In light of the desire to integrate into a website as quickly as possible, js would likely be the one.

How much do you think it would cost to build this? :money_with_wings:

We hope it is apparent that this is a large undertaking to realize the full vision. We further hope that you see this as a prime opportunity to lay the groundwork for this dream to become a reality. In scope of an MVP funded through this proposal, we feel that a basic swarm hosting a static site and pubsub methods for the swarm peers would be achievable in a reasonable allotment of time and effort. Although, to be honest, we are not exactly sure what that number is. We are more than happy to discuss this with you (and anyone else interested in this project) at anytime and explore opportunities to collaborate regardless of the level of funding you are able to provide.

:point_right: Join us on Discord here :point_left:

All the best! Dan + and the CORE team

polezo commented 5 years ago


It's an AR social art platform where you can tokenize, buy and sell "souls." Later on, we'll also add the ability to play interact with (and/or torture 😈) souls.

You can try out the demo so far here (see also: video walk through), see the github here and see a simple pitch deck with the full vision here.

There is also a soul lookup/send soul functionality that is code complete but has not yet been deployed on the live site.

Why would this benefit from IPFS

SoulCap was originally made for the 0x hackathon earlier this year, but we hit a couple of roadblocks that prevented us from taking it to a place we were fully satisfied with in the scope of the hackathon. I believe that Storj/IPFS may be a great solution to one of those roadblocks.

Primarily, we don't want to launch a platform where the core value (users' soul images and/or short clips) were dependent on our servers as a single point of failure. For the hackathon submission we just allowed anyone to host anywhere they wanted, so they wouldn't be dependent SoulCap servers for their soul image to be viewable. We're interested in using Storj/IPFS it as a better solution to this problem and provide a better overall user experience.

Who Would use this and Why

There's 3 different target audiences we're looking at: casual gamers, Snap/Insta artists/influencers, and developers.

For gamers, we believe it's a silly/fun concept and that, when the UI is streamlined, soul play and features come into the mix, that users will have a fun time tokenizing their souls.

For Snapchat and Instagram artists, we think it can be a great way to monetize their art and sell to their audiences.

For developers, we think we can have fun/compelling avatar solution to incorporate into their games and other dApps. And if that avatar images are hosted in a decentralized fashion, it becomes even more appealing.

How Would this be Implemented

We already have some sweet (albeit still WIP) AR filters built out using the JeelizFaceFilter library, and have the contract complete for soul minting, so a user can already create a soul as 721 and put their own image in the URI of the 721 using whatever hosting they choose. Our main work involving Storj IPFS would be to make this process streamlined for the user, so that they do not need to enter the image URL manually into the URI, but rather their image is hosted in a decentralized fashion more seamlessly.

For MVP of soul minting and buying, we also need to complete the store. The original plan to do this was to use 0x and the instant widget, but that product is still not compatible with erc721 yet. If the 0x team does not complete this product feature in the near future we'll either use the asset buyer method on 0x, or maybe switch to OpenSea.

Right now, we also have a fun little discount feature where users who hold ZRX in their wallet can mint souls at a lower cost than those that do not. Since we might be moving off of 0x for the store side of the project, and will incorporating a decentralized storage solution for image hosting, we'll also likely change this discount so that it works with Storj tokens instead of ZRX as a part of this upgrade.

After that we'll be using (mostly) standard HTML5 game development tools to build out the soul torturing game, but for the scope of this bounty we'll focus on the MVP of Soul Capture w/ decentralized hosting + Soul Selling.

How much do you think it would cost to build this?

To finalize the MVP of soul capture and sell (not including the game), I would guess it may be another 60-80 hours. In addition to building out the connections to Storj/IPFS, we want to add a lot more polish to the UX and make soul creation as seamless as possible, make a really pretty store that users can instantly list to and sell on after minting a soul, and also make the collection of AR filters we have to be as compelling and fun as possible (I especially love our draw-your-own soul, but it's a little buggy on mobile and not the easiest to use).

As noted above, the soul torturing game is not included in this estimate, but if we were including it ballpark for the simplest implementation of it would probably be another 80-100 hours. We still think SoulCap is a fun little concept for creators even without the soul torturing game attached, but strive to make the game that will be attached to the souls really fun so it's more than just a create-your-own-collectible.

I think that about covers it for now! There's plenty of other long term plans I could chat about, and am happy to go over more details if there are any questions--just let me know.

Cheers, Adam

tkendal commented 5 years ago

This truly is an impressive outline Dan...very well done. 👏

scammi commented 5 years ago


Medical passport, lets you upload critical medical information, stores it safely and makes it available in an emergency.

WebApp that stores on IPFS a small file with medical relevant information for emergencies and makes it available on the fly with a QR code. Helping your physician make a faster and better decision. The QR code can be embedded on a bracelet, necklace, tattoo, or even on an implanted on an NFC. A tag will specify that it should be scan in case of an emergency. So scanning the code will give access to the information

I made a working prototype for the competition where I finish #11 in Americas (non-US) and was also mention at IPFS Weekly 19 blog. This a small step of what could be a whole ecosystem where you could store your complete medical record.

Why does it benefit from using IPFS?

How would it be implemented?

MedPass would be a Dapp, where the front end would be created using React/Redux, the medical information would be store using IPFS or Storj , and a blockchain such as ethereum to store the hash that points to the information.


  1. The patient access a webpage, where you fill a form with your medical data.
  2. The information will be push and pin to the IPFS network.
  3. The hash will be placed in an ethereum transaction
  4. A QR code will be generated with the transaction
  5. In an emergency, the doctor will scan the QR code
  6. The phone will be will to access the hash inside the transaction.
  7. Information is downloaded from IPFS and displayed.

Building it.

Since the application bones are working it only needs polishing my guess is that with 20h it could be completed. The things that need to be added are.

Thank you. Santiago.

cupOJoseph commented 5 years ago

Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, there are all super great! I'm compiling them into a list and bringing them to a little panel of storj team & community members. We'll get back with our picks b̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶m̶o̶r̶r̶o̶w̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶W̶e̶d̶n̶e̶s̶d̶a̶y̶ very soon.

nuke-web3 commented 5 years ago

In any case - I am so impressed by the submission in general :bowing_man: You guys all win in my book :grin:

Thanks for inspiring us @jschiarizzi

nuke-web3 commented 5 years ago

@jschiarizzi - what was the conclusion from you and the team on this? :grin:

cupOJoseph commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted ideas. I sincerely hope you all check out and consider building these apps/services when it is live, very soon.

We picked the projects that jumped out at us the most and each will receive 222 Storj tokens. They are all great ideas, but these were what we felt would be the best way to demonstrate simply and usefully who great Storj is. It was super hard to decide. Everyone who commented an idea in this issue (and the few that emailed me directly) will receive IPFS and idea person Kudos on gitcoin.

In order of submission, our picks are:

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 222.00000 STORJ (62.8 USD @ $0.28/STORJ) has been granted to @anish-agnihotri for this issue from @jschiarizzi. ⚡️

Nice work @anish-agnihotri! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 222.00000 STORJ (62.8 USD @ $0.28/STORJ) has been granted to @nukemandan for this issue from @jschiarizzi. ⚡️

Nice work @nukemandan! Your tip has automatically been deposited in the ETH address we have on file.

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This Bounty has been completed.

Additional Tips for this Bounty:

gitcoinbot commented 5 years ago

⚡️ A tip worth 222.00000 STORJ (62.8 USD @ $0.28/STORJ) has been granted to @polezo for this issue from @jschiarizzi. ⚡️

Nice work @polezo! To redeem your tip, login to Gitcoin at and select 'Claim Tip' from dropdown menu in the top right, or check your email for a link to the tip redemption page.

marsrobertson commented 5 years ago


Not sure if relevant but for additional visibility.

Propose A Way We Can Drive IPFS Adoption With A Cool App Built On Top Of It

I'd start from making it easy to get started.

Ability to use IPFS without setting up and managing and updating servers.

cupOJoseph commented 5 years ago

Hey @marsrobertson that's what Storj is offering. Just using a standard web API you can access ipfs storage and stuff. check out

marsrobertson commented 5 years ago

Success! You are confirmed and officially on the waitlist!

Where is my one-click upload to IPFS?

Example of semi-simplicity

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Filestack demo upload</title>

    <input type="file">

    <script src=""></script>
        const apikey = 'AjC8AS26GTbCxxMSsLg6nz'; // use your own, here is just for simplicity

        const client = filestack.init(apikey);

        document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', (event) => {
          const files =;
          const file = files.item(0);

            .then(res => {
              console.log('success: ', res)
            .catch(err => {


I still would prefer if their homepage was explicitly specifying latest stable version: image

(less thinking, easier to get started, wider adoption)


Here my latest post on the forum: that has link to the video:

It has loads of links in the description:

The bottom line remains the same. Simple usage = wider adoption.