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Implementation of lil_matrix #6667

Open ouening opened 2 years ago

ouening commented 2 years ago


I have changed the code in to cupy api. A warning arised: Changing the sparsity structure of a csr_matrix is expensive. lil_matrix is more efficient. The modified code list below:

Create Your Own Plasma PIC Simulation (With Python)
Philip Mocz (2020) Princeton Univeristy, @PMocz

Simulate the 1D Two-Stream Instability
Code calculates the motions of electron under the Poisson-Maxwell equation
using the Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method

from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

CUDA = False
if CUDA:
    # import numpy as np
    import cupy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import cupyx.scipy.sparse as sp
    from cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.sparse as sp
    from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

def getAcc(pos, Nx, boxsize, n0, Gmtx, Lmtx):
Calculate the acceleration on each particle due to electric field
    pos      is an Nx1 matrix of particle positions
    Nx       is the number of mesh cells
    boxsize  is the domain [0,boxsize]
    n0       is the electron number density
    Gmtx     is an Nx x Nx matrix for calculating the gradient on the grid
    Lmtx     is an Nx x Nx matrix for calculating the laplacian on the grid
    a        is an Nx1 matrix of accelerations
    # Calculate Electron Number Density on the Mesh by
    # placing particles into the 2 nearest bins (j & j+1, with proper weights)
    # and normalizing
    N = pos.shape[0]
    dx = boxsize / Nx
    j = np.floor(pos/dx).astype(int)
    jp1 = j+1
    weight_j = (jp1*dx - pos)/dx
    weight_jp1 = (pos - j*dx)/dx
    jp1 = np.mod(jp1, Nx)   # periodic BC
    n = np.bincount(j[:, 0],   weights=weight_j[:, 0],   minlength=Nx)
    n += np.bincount(jp1[:, 0], weights=weight_jp1[:, 0], minlength=Nx)
    n *= n0 * boxsize / N / dx

    # Solve Poisson's Equation: laplacian(phi) = n-n0
    # phi_grid = spsolve(Lmtx, n-n0, permc_spec="MMD_AT_PLUS_A")
    phi_grid = spsolve(Lmtx, n-n0)

    # Apply Derivative to get the Electric field
    E_grid = - Gmtx @ phi_grid

    # Interpolate grid value onto particle locations
    E = weight_j * E_grid[j] + weight_jp1 * E_grid[jp1]

    a = -E

    return a

def main():
    """ Plasma PIC simulation """

    # Simulation parameters
    N = 50000   # Number of particles
    Nx = 500     # Number of mesh cells
    t = 0       # current time of the simulation
    tEnd = 500      # time at which simulation ends
    dt = 1       # timestep
    boxsize = 100      # periodic domain [0,boxsize]
    n0 = 1.       # electron number density
    vb = 1.2       # beam velocity
    vth = 4       # beam width
    A = 0.3     # perturbation
    plotRealTime = True  # switch on for plotting as the simulation goes along

    # Generate Initial Conditions
#   np.random.seed(42)            # set the random number generator seed
    # construct 2 opposite-moving Guassian beams
    pos = np.random.rand(N, 1) * boxsize
#   vel  = vth * np.random.randn(N,1) + vb #随机速度
    vel = np.zeros(N).reshape(-1, 1) + vb
    Nh = int(N/2)
    vel[Nh:] *= -1
    vel *= (1 + A*np.sin(2*np.pi*pos/boxsize))
    # Construct matrix G to computer Gradient  (1st derivative)
    dx = boxsize/Nx
    e = np.ones(Nx)

    diags = np.array([-1, 1])
    vals = np.vstack((-e, e))
    Gmtx = sp.spdiags(vals, diags, Nx, Nx)
    if CUDA:
        # Gmtx = Gmtx.todense()
        Gmtx = Gmtx.tocsr()
        Gmtx = sp.lil_matrix(Gmtx)

    Gmtx[0, Nx-1] = -1
    Gmtx[Nx-1, 0] = 1
    Gmtx /= (2*dx)
    Gmtx = sp.csr_matrix(Gmtx)

    # Construct matrix L to computer Laplacian (2nd derivative)
    diags = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
    vals = np.vstack((e, -2*e, e))
    Lmtx = sp.spdiags(vals, diags, Nx, Nx)
    if CUDA:
        # Lmtx = Lmtx.todense()
        Lmtx = Lmtx.tocsr()
        Lmtx = sp.lil_matrix(Lmtx)
    Lmtx[0, Nx-1] = 1
    Lmtx[Nx-1, 0] = 1
    Lmtx /= dx**2
    Lmtx = sp.csr_matrix(Lmtx)

    # calculate initial gravitational accelerations
    acc = getAcc(pos, Nx, boxsize, n0, Gmtx, Lmtx)

    # number of timesteps
    Nt = int(np.ceil(tEnd/dt))

    # prep figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=80)

    # Simulation Main Loop
    for i in tqdm(range(Nt)):
        # (1/2) kick
        vel += acc * dt/2.0

        # drift (and apply periodic boundary conditions)
        pos += vel * dt
        pos = np.mod(pos, boxsize)

        # update accelerations
        acc = getAcc(pos, Nx, boxsize, n0, Gmtx, Lmtx)

        # (1/2) kick
        vel += acc * dt/2.0

        # update time
        t += dt

        # plot in real time - color 1/2 particles blue, other half red
        if plotRealTime or (i == Nt-1):
            if CUDA:
                plt.scatter(pos[0:Nh].get(), vel[0:Nh].get(), s=.4, color='blue', alpha=0.5)
                plt.scatter(pos[Nh:].get(), vel[Nh:].get(), s=.4, color='red',  alpha=0.5)
                plt.scatter(pos[0:Nh], vel[0:Nh], s=.4, color='blue', alpha=0.5)
                plt.scatter(pos[Nh:], vel[Nh:], s=.4, color='red',  alpha=0.5)
            plt.axis([0, boxsize, -6, 6])


    # Save figure
    plt.savefig('pic.png', dpi=240)

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    print("Time used: ", end - start)

The original way costs 42 seconds. However in with cupy api it costs 58 seconds.

Additional Information

No response

kmaehashi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting, the warning message is inappropriate and we will be fixing it in #6669. We are likely unable to implement LIL matrices in the short/mid term as cuSPARSE does not support it.

leofang commented 2 years ago

It looks like if we interpret LIL as "arrays of arrays" instead of "lists of lists" we could copy the SciPy implementation to CuPy and use dense arrays (cupy.ndarray) to back it. However I have no idea if this would be performant on GPUs.