Coverage remained the same at 94.34% when pulling 4de01047c0b0d46103f1219d34288b37130c311e on set-ruby-version-for-rubocop into 224f2a202ffcb04c57f5468e73f69917b67e8dcc on master.
Coverage remained the same at 94.643% when pulling 9dfe459c7e9e6b9a6a83008fc139c82aa9788659 on set-ruby-version-for-rubocop into 7f19c1cdb425608be3139f68cd3eff7741cabf2a on master.
Coverage remained the same at 94.643% when pulling d82a4da1cc2d12bc15bc03f5daf407a8e3993611 on set-ruby-version-for-rubocop into 4c37caa4d53a2f9f6d76d5b5d8e95975e0b4b0d0 on master.
Use Ruby 2.4.2.
After setting that, ran
bundle exec rubocop -a
to autocorrect new failures.