cure-lab / MagicDrive

[ICLR24] Official implementation of the paper “MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control”
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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any idea about improve consistency and continuity for front-rear frames on video branch? #30

Closed zhangxiao696 closed 3 weeks ago

zhangxiao696 commented 2 months ago

hello, I'm here to ask for your advice again. I found that the effect is relatively poor in consistency and continuity of front-rear frames when I generate a video. Do you have any suggestions regarding this problem?

kila9112 commented 1 month ago

Hello, i try to generate a video. When i follow the command bash scripts/ 12 --ann_strategy 'interp', am error raised: No such file or directory: './out/lidar_20Hz/results_nusc.json'. Can you tell me how to get the file:results_nusc.json'?Thank you very much!!

flymin commented 1 month ago

hello, I'm here to ask for your advice again. I found that the effect is relatively poor in consistency and continuity of front-rear frames when I generate a video. Do you have any suggestions regarding this problem?

From my perspective, I do not think it is a problem. Since there is no overlap between the front view and the rear view, it does not make sense to make them "consistent".