cure-lab / MagicDrive

[ICLR24] Official implementation of the paper “MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control”
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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How to replace Unet with DIT architecture #46

Closed zhouxiqin2017 closed 1 week ago

zhouxiqin2017 commented 1 week ago

Dear author, thank you very much for presenting such a valuable project and open-sourcing it. However, in the project introduction page, you mentioned the possibility of replacing the Unet architecture with the DIT architecture. Could you kindly guide me on where this switch is performed?

flymin commented 1 week ago

We are still preparing the code and the model. It will be released when ready.

zhouxiqin2017 commented 1 week ago

We are still preparing the code and the model. It will be released when ready.

Great, thank you very much for your explanation.