cure-lab / PnPInversion

[ICLR2024] Official repo for paper "PnP Inversion: Boosting Diffusion-based Editing with 3 Lines of Code"
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Question about the bench mark #6

Closed Mowenyii closed 6 months ago

Mowenyii commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your significant contributions to the community! While using your benchmark to test DDIM+P2P, I followed the instructions in your p2p_requirements.txt to install diffusers version 0.10.0. However, after editing the ten tasks of the benchmark, the results I obtained are as follows:

PSNR ↑ MSE↓ CLIP (Whole)↑ CLIP (Edited)↑
ddim+p2p 17.75815095 223.9520093 23.84047887 21.30606469

There is a discrepancy when compared to the results in Table 1 of your paper. Could you advise on the possible reasons for this? The commands used were:


python evaluation/ --metrics "structure_distance" "psnr_unedit_part" "lpips_unedit_part" "mse_unedit_part" "ssim_unedit_part" "clip_similarity_source_image" "clip_similarity_target_image" "clip_similarity_target_image_edit_part" --edit_category_list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --tgt_methods 1_ddim+p2p 
juxuan27 commented 6 months ago

Hi, @Mowenyii . During our experiments, we found a small difference in metrics for some methods when running on different machines. I think that according to your given results, it is within the fluctuation range.

Mowenyii commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your reply!