curimit / SugarCpp

SugarCpp is a language which can compile to C++11.
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Project status? #47

Open refi64 opened 9 years ago

refi64 commented 9 years ago

The readme says that SugarCpp was going to become self-hosting. The last commit was 7 months ago. What's the status of this project?

vendethiel commented 9 years ago

@kirbyfan64 you really are everywhere ;-).

lotem commented 9 years ago

Sitting next to the author's desk. He doesn't seem to have much time for this recently.

curimit commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your attention!

Thanks lotem...Sorry for the late reply, i'm very busy and lack of time right now, and since c++14 has been released, many syntax here could be improved, but I don't have enough time to do this.

The status of this project is paused.

ozra commented 9 years ago

@kirbyfan64 @vendethiel - both you! ;-)

Probably better to stay with C++11 that is widely implemented though?

FrankHB commented 8 years ago

The project description is also not consistent with This should be easy to fix.

curimit commented 8 years ago

Thanks, probably it's better to stay with c++11.

AlectronikForge commented 3 years ago

So this project is abandoned? A shame, I really like its syntax and would prefer it over using C/C++ but for writing new code it'd be better to know that the (meta)compiler one's using still gets updates.. Unfortunately I'm not yet at the level of taking this over by byself, I know ANTLR and the parsing topic a bit but not enough by far.