curiosity-ai / h5

🚀 The next generation C# to JavaScript compiler
Apache License 2.0
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Crash when building the template #27

Closed IceReaper closed 3 years ago

IceReaper commented 3 years ago

Building on Ubuntu 20.04. Only installed sdk is 3.1

Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.7.0+7fb82e5b2 for .NET
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
  [info] [16:13:09] Found compilation server
  Running _ComputePackageReferencePublish for Test
  Running _HandlePackageFileConflicts
  Running _ComputeReferenceAssemblies
  Running _ComputeUserRuntimeAssemblies
  Running GenerateBuildDependencyFile
  No output assembly found, will build.
  Running _GenerateRuntimeConfigurationFilesInputCache
  Running GenerateBuildRuntimeConfigurationFiles
  Writing project runtime config file /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.runtimeconfig.json
  Test -> 
  Skipping updating the h5 compiler. You can always install/update it by calling dotnet tool update --global h5-compiler
  Deleting previous assembly: /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll
  H5 compilation begins now... 

        555     55555555555hh             h5555 
        555     55555555555hh             h555  
        555     55555555555hh     hhhhhhhhh555  
         55     55555555555hh     hhhhhhhhh555  
         555     5555555555hh     hhhhhhhh5555  
         555              5hh            h5555  
         555              5hh            h555   
          555    5555     5hhhhhhhh      h555   
          555    5555     5hhhhhhhh      h555   
          555     555     5hhhhhhhh     h5555   
          555     555     5hh           h555    
          5555555 555     5hh        hhhh555    

  [info] [16:13:10] Executing h5 compiler with arguments: '--project /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj --configuration Debug --assembly-version'
  [info] [16:13:10] Found compilation server, sending compilation request

  [info] [16:13:10]  Setting working directory to '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test'
  [info] [16:13:10]  [B] H5 Compilation
  [info] [16:13:10]  H5 config file is not found. Returning default config
  [info] [16:13:10]  [E] H5 Compilation in 0.0010 seconds
  [info] [16:13:10]  

       __ _  _  _  _ 
      |_ |_)|_)/ \|_)
      |__| \| \\_/| \

  [fail] [16:13:10]  
H5 : error H5003: The SDK 'h5.Target/0.0.11500' specified could not be found.  /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj [/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj]
  [fail] [16:13:10]  
  Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.Build.Shared.ProjectErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProject(String errorSubCategoryResourceName, IElementLocation elementLocation, String resourceName, Object[] args)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Evaluator`4.ExpandAndLoadImportsFromUnescapedImportExpressionConditioned(String directoryOfImportingFile, ProjectImportElement importElement, List`1& projects, SdkResult& sdkResult, Boolean throwOnFileNotExistsError)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Evaluator`4.ExpandAndLoadImports(String directoryOfImportingFile, ProjectImportElement importElement, SdkResult& sdkResult)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Evaluator`4.EvaluateImportElement(String directoryOfImportingFile, ProjectImportElement importElement)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Evaluator`4.PerformDepthFirstPass(ProjectRootElement currentProjectOrImport)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Evaluator`4.Evaluate()
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Evaluator`4.Evaluate(IEvaluatorData`4 data, ProjectRootElement root, ProjectLoadSettings loadSettings, Int32 maxNodeCount, PropertyDictionary`1 environmentProperties, ILoggingService loggingService, IItemFactory`2 itemFactory, IToolsetProvider toolsetProvider, ProjectRootElementCacheBase projectRootElementCache, BuildEventContext buildEventContext, ISdkResolverService sdkResolverService, Int32 submissionId, EvaluationContext evaluationContext, Boolean interactive)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project.ProjectImpl.Reevaluate(ILoggingService loggingServiceForEvaluation, ProjectLoadSettings loadSettings, EvaluationContext evaluationContext)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project.ProjectImpl.ReevaluateIfNecessary(ILoggingService loggingServiceForEvaluation, ProjectLoadSettings loadSettings, EvaluationContext evaluationContext)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project.ProjectImpl.Initialize(IDictionary`2 globalProperties, String toolsVersion, String subToolsetVersion, ProjectLoadSettings loadSettings, EvaluationContext evaluationContext)
     at Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project..ctor(String projectFile, IDictionary`2 globalProperties, String toolsVersion, String subToolsetVersion, ProjectCollection projectCollection, ProjectLoadSettings loadSettings, EvaluationContext evaluationContext)
     at H5.Translator.Translator.EnsureProjectProperties()
     at H5.Translator.TranslatorProcessor.SetTranslatorProperties()
     at H5.Translator.TranslatorProcessor.PreProcess(IH5DotJson_AssemblySettings translatorConfiguration)
     at H5.Compiler.CompilationProcessor.Compile(CompilationRequest compilationRequest, UID128 compilationUID, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
/home/andre/.nuget/packages/,9): error MSB3073: The command "h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version """ exited with code 1. [/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj]


H5 : error H5003: The SDK 'h5.Target/0.0.11500' specified could not be found.  /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj [/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj]
/home/andre/.nuget/packages/,9): error MSB3073: The command "h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version """ exited with code 1. [/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj]
    0 Warning(s)
    2 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:02.58
IceReaper commented 3 years ago

Another day, another problem: My machine has rebooted meanwhile, and above error is gone now. So it might be related to leftover .net5 stuff in the os. The compilation itself however still fails with this error:

Build started 10/20/2020 10:20:05 AM.
Logging verbosity is set to: Normal.     1>Project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" on node 1 (build target(s)).
         h5 check-if-online
         [info] [10:20:06] Found compilation server
         Running _ComputePackageReferencePublish for Test
         Running _HandlePackageFileConflicts
         Running _ComputeReferenceAssemblies
         Running _ComputeUserRuntimeAssemblies
         Running GenerateBuildDependencyFile
         No output assembly found, will build.
         Running _GenerateRuntimeConfigurationFilesInputCache
         Running GenerateBuildRuntimeConfigurationFiles
         Writing project runtime config file /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.runtimeconfig.json
         Test -> 
         Skipping updating the h5 compiler. You can always install/update it by calling dotnet tool update --global h5-compiler
         Deleting previous assembly: /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll
         H5 compilation begins now... 
         h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version ""

               555     55555555555hh             h5555 
               555     55555555555hh             h555  
               555     55555555555hh     hhhhhhhhh555  
                55     55555555555hh     hhhhhhhhh555  
                555     5555555555hh     hhhhhhhh5555  
                555              5hh            h5555  
                555              5hh            h555   
                 555    5555     5hhhhhhhh      h555   
                 555    5555     5hhhhhhhh      h555   
                 555     555     5hhhhhhhh     h5555   
                 555     555     5hh           h555    
                 5555555 555     5hh        hhhh555    

         [info] [10:20:06] Executing h5 compiler with arguments: '--project /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj --configuration Debug --assembly-version'
         [info] [10:20:06] Found compilation server, sending compilation request

         [info] [10:20:07]  Setting working directory to '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test'
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] H5 Compilation
         [info] [10:20:07]  Ready to build /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Translating assembly
         [info] [10:20:07]  Building assembly on path /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Building assembly 'Test' for location '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj'
         [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Importing package h5.Core version 0.0.8126
         [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Importing package h5 version 0.0.8032
         [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Copying lib file '/home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5.core/0.0.8126/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.Core.dll' to '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/H5.Core.dll'
         [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Copying lib file '/home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5/0.0.8032/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.dll' to '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/H5.dll'
         [info] [10:20:07]  Loading references from assembly /home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5.core/0.0.8126/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.Core.dll
         [info] [10:20:07]  Loading references from assembly /home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5/0.0.8032/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.dll
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Compiling /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll with Roslyn
         [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Compiling /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll with Roslyn in 0.0356 seconds
         [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Building assembly 'Test' for location '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj' in 0.0460 seconds
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Inspecting references
         [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Inspecting references in 0.0823 seconds
         [info] [10:20:07]  Running compiler version 0.0.12179:
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Rewritting code
         [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Rewritting code in 0.0066 seconds
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Building syntax tree
         [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Building syntax tree in 0.0021 seconds
         [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Loading assembly definitions
         [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Loading assembly definitions in 1.3700 seconds at 1 oper/s, total of 2 operations
         [info] [10:20:09]  [B] Inspecting types
         [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Inspecting types in 0.0009 seconds
         [info] [10:20:09]  [B] Creating Emitter
         [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Sorting types by name in 0.0000 seconds
         [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Creating Emitter in 0.1498 seconds
         [info] [10:20:09]  [B] Emitting JavaScript code
         [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Emitting types to javascript
         [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Emitting types reflection metadata to javascript
         [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Emitting types reflection metadata to javascript in 0.0010 seconds
         [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Emitting types to javascript in 0.0871 seconds
         [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Emitting JavaScript code in 0.7711 seconds
         [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Translating assembly in 2.4300 seconds
         [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Post-processing output on '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' for project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj'
         [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Extracting core scripts
         [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Extracting resources
         [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Extracting resources in 0.0197 seconds
         [info] [10:20:10]  Skipping extracting Locales
         [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Extracting core scripts in 0.0197 seconds
         [info] [10:20:11]  [B] Saving results to output folder '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/'
         [info] [10:20:11]  [E] Saving results to output folder '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' in 0.0060 seconds
         [info] [10:20:11]  [B] Injecting resources from project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test' into output '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/'
         [info] [10:20:11]  [E] Injecting resources from project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test' into output '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' in 0.0002 seconds
         [info] [10:20:11]  [E] Post-processing output on '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' for project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj' in 1.5000 seconds
         [info] [10:20:11]  [E] H5 Compilation in 4.1400 seconds
         [info] [10:20:11]  

              __ _  _  _  _ 
             |_ |_)|_)/ \|_)
             |__| \| \\_/| \

         [fail] [10:20:11]  
     1>H5 : error H5003: This operation is not supported for a relative URI.
         [fail] [10:20:11]  
         Stack Trace:    at System.Uri.get_LocalPath()
            at H5.Translator.Translator.PrepareAndExtractResources(String outputPath, String projectPath)+MoveNext()
            at H5.Translator.Translator.PrepareResourcesForEmbedding(IEnumerable`1 resourcesToEmbed)
            at H5.Translator.Translator.InjectResources(String outputPath, String projectPath)
            at H5.Translator.TranslatorProcessor.PostProcess()
            at H5.Compiler.CompilationProcessor.Compile(CompilationRequest compilationRequest, UID128 compilationUID, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     1>/home/andre/.nuget/packages/,9): error MSB3073: The command "h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version """ exited with code 1.
     1>Done Building Project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" (build target(s)) -- FAILED.


       "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" (build target) (1) ->
       (_H5Build target) -> 
         H5 : error H5003: This operation is not supported for a relative URI.
         /home/andre/.nuget/packages/,9): error MSB3073: The command "h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version """ exited with code 1.

    0 Warning(s)
    2 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:06.46
theolivenbaum commented 3 years ago

Interesting, could you share your h5.json and project files?

On Tue, Oct 20, 2020, 10:26 AM Andre Mohren wrote:

Another day, another problem: My machine has rebooted meanwhile, and above error is gone now. So it might be related to leftover .net5 stuff in the os. The compilation itself however still fails with this error:

Build started 10/20/2020 10:20:05 AM. Logging verbosity is set to: Normal. 1>Project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" on node 1 (build target(s)). 1>_CheckForH5: h5 check-if-online [info] [10:20:06] Found compilation server _ComputePackageReferencePublish: Running _ComputePackageReferencePublish for Test _HandlePackageFileConflicts: Running _HandlePackageFileConflicts _ComputeReferenceAssemblies: Running _ComputeReferenceAssemblies _ComputeUserRuntimeAssemblies: Running _ComputeUserRuntimeAssemblies GenerateBuildDependencyFile: Running GenerateBuildDependencyFile No output assembly found, will build. _GenerateRuntimeConfigurationFilesInputCache: Running _GenerateRuntimeConfigurationFilesInputCache GenerateBuildRuntimeConfigurationFiles: Running GenerateBuildRuntimeConfigurationFiles Writing project runtime config file /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.runtimeconfig.json CopyFilesToOutputDirectory: Test -> _H5Build: Skipping updating the h5 compiler. You can always install/update it by calling dotnet tool update --global h5-compiler Deleting previous assembly: /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll H5 compilation begins now... h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version ""

           555     55555555555hh             h5555
           555     55555555555hh             h555
           555     55555555555hh     hhhhhhhhh555
            55     55555555555hh     hhhhhhhhh555
            555     5555555555hh     hhhhhhhh5555
            555              5hh            h5555
            555              5hh            h555
             555    5555     5hhhhhhhh      h555
             555    5555     5hhhhhhhh      h555
             555     555     5hhhhhhhh     h5555
             555     555     5hh           h555
             5555555 555     5hh        hhhh555

     [info] [10:20:06] Executing h5 compiler with arguments: '--project /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj --configuration Debug --assembly-version'
     [info] [10:20:06] Found compilation server, sending compilation request

     [info] [10:20:07]  Setting working directory to '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test'
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] H5 Compilation
     [info] [10:20:07]  Ready to build /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Translating assembly
     [info] [10:20:07]  Building assembly on path /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Building assembly 'Test' for location '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj'
     [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Importing package h5.Core version 0.0.8126
     [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Importing package h5 version 0.0.8032
     [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Copying lib file '/home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5.core/0.0.8126/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.Core.dll' to '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/H5.Core.dll'
     [info] [10:20:07]  NuGet: Copying lib file '/home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5/0.0.8032/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.dll' to '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/H5.dll'
     [info] [10:20:07]  Loading references from assembly /home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5.core/0.0.8126/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.Core.dll
     [info] [10:20:07]  Loading references from assembly /home/andre/.nuget/packages/h5/0.0.8032/lib/netstandard2.0/H5.dll
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Compiling /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll with Roslyn
     [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Compiling /home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Test.dll with Roslyn in 0.0356 seconds
     [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Building assembly 'Test' for location '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj' in 0.0460 seconds
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Inspecting references
     [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Inspecting references in 0.0823 seconds
     [info] [10:20:07]  Running compiler version 0.0.12179:
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Rewritting code
     [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Rewritting code in 0.0066 seconds
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Building syntax tree
     [info] [10:20:07]  [E] Building syntax tree in 0.0021 seconds
     [info] [10:20:07]  [B] Loading assembly definitions
     [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Loading assembly definitions in 1.3700 seconds at 1 oper/s, total of 2 operations
     [info] [10:20:09]  [B] Inspecting types
     [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Inspecting types in 0.0009 seconds
     [info] [10:20:09]  [B] Creating Emitter
     [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Sorting types by name in 0.0000 seconds
     [info] [10:20:09]  [E] Creating Emitter in 0.1498 seconds
     [info] [10:20:09]  [B] Emitting JavaScript code
     [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Emitting types to javascript
     [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Emitting types reflection metadata to javascript
     [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Emitting types reflection metadata to javascript in 0.0010 seconds
     [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Emitting types to javascript in 0.0871 seconds
     [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Emitting JavaScript code in 0.7711 seconds
     [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Translating assembly in 2.4300 seconds
     [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Post-processing output on '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' for project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj'
     [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Extracting core scripts
     [info] [10:20:10]  [B] Extracting resources
     [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Extracting resources in 0.0197 seconds
     [info] [10:20:10]  Skipping extracting Locales
     [info] [10:20:10]  [E] Extracting core scripts in 0.0197 seconds
     [info] [10:20:11]  [B] Saving results to output folder '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/'
     [info] [10:20:11]  [E] Saving results to output folder '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' in 0.0060 seconds
     [info] [10:20:11]  [B] Injecting resources from project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test' into output '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/'
     [info] [10:20:11]  [E] Injecting resources from project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test' into output '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' in 0.0002 seconds
     [info] [10:20:11]  [E] Post-processing output on '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/h5/' for project '/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj' in 1.5000 seconds
     [info] [10:20:11]  [E] H5 Compilation in 4.1400 seconds
     [info] [10:20:11]

          __ _  _  _  _
         |_ |_)|_)/ \|_)
         |__| \| \\_/| \

     [fail] [10:20:11]
 1>H5 : error H5003: This operation is not supported for a relative URI.
     [fail] [10:20:11]
     Stack Trace:    at System.Uri.get_LocalPath()
        at H5.Translator.Translator.PrepareAndExtractResources(String outputPath, String projectPath)+MoveNext()
        at H5.Translator.Translator.PrepareResourcesForEmbedding(IEnumerable`1 resourcesToEmbed)
        at H5.Translator.Translator.InjectResources(String outputPath, String projectPath)
        at H5.Translator.TranslatorProcessor.PostProcess()
        at H5.Compiler.CompilationProcessor.Compile(CompilationRequest compilationRequest, UID128 compilationUID, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 1>/home/andre/.nuget/packages/,9): error MSB3073: The command "h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version """ exited with code 1.
 1>Done Building Project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" (build target(s)) -- FAILED.


   "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" (build target) (1) ->
   (_H5Build target) ->
     H5 : error H5003: This operation is not supported for a relative URI.
     /home/andre/.nuget/packages/,9): error MSB3073: The command "h5 --project "/home/andre/RiderProjects/Tetys/csharp/Test/Test.csproj" --configuration "Debug" --assembly-version """ exited with code 1.

0 Warning(s)
2 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:06.46

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IceReaper commented 3 years ago


  "html": {
    "disabled": false


namespace Test
    using H5.Core;

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            dom.document.body.innerText = "Hello World!";


<Project Sdk="h5.Target/0.0.11500">

        <PackageReference Include="h5" Version="0.0.8032" />
        <PackageReference Include="h5.Core" Version="0.0.8126" />
theolivenbaum commented 3 years ago

And you're running on linux right?

On Tue, Oct 20, 2020, 11:14 AM Andre Mohren wrote:


{ "html": { "disabled": false } }


namespace Test { using H5.Core;

public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { dom.document.body.innerText = "Hello World!"; } } }



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IceReaper commented 3 years ago

Yes, Ubuntu 20.04.

theolivenbaum commented 3 years ago

Hi @IceReaper - can you try one thing before I go into the code, just update the packages in your project to the latest:

<PackageReference Include="h5" Version="0.0.11453" />
<PackageReference Include="h5.core" Version="0.0.11860" />

I'll update the template project here too with the latest versions - need to automate this on the devops build...

theolivenbaum commented 3 years ago

Here is the actual fully updated template:

IceReaper commented 3 years ago

Im having the exact same error when using the newer packages :(

theolivenbaum commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks for checking. I'll try to reproduce here and let you know what I find

theolivenbaum commented 3 years ago

Hi @IceReaper

Managed to reproduce the problem here on a Linux machine - will test a fix for it now. Meanwhile, you can set a flag on your project file (SkipEmbeddingResources = true) to get it compiling (just remove it once the fix is done):

<Project Sdk="h5.Target/0.0.11500">
        <SkipEmbeddingResources>true</SkipEmbeddingResources>         <------- this line

        <PackageReference Include="h5" Version="0.0.11453" />
        <PackageReference Include="h5.core" Version="0.0.11860" />
        <PackageReference Include="h5.Newtonsoft.Json" Version="0.0.11861" />
        <PackageReference Include="Tesserae" Version="0.0.13054" />
IceReaper commented 3 years ago

Yup, that prop made it work. Thank you very much :) Ill leave this issue open however, till the problem itself is resolved.

theolivenbaum commented 3 years ago

@IceReaper can you test the latest version and see if it fixed this? dotnet tool update --global h5-compiler --version 0.0.13348

IceReaper commented 3 years ago

I can confirm this is fixed.