curiousdannii-testing / inform7-imported-bugs

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[I7-2065] [Mantis 2102] Internal error when grouping together cards #19

Closed curiousdannii-testing closed 2 years ago

curiousdannii-testing commented 2 years ago

Reported by : NYKevin

Description :

Compiler produces the following output:

C:Program Files (x86)Inform 7Compilers
-internal "C:Program Files (x86)Inform 7Internal" -project "C:UsersKevinDocumentsInformProjectsScratch.inform" -format=ulx
Inform 7 build 6M62 has started.
I've now read your source text, which is 91 words long.
I've also read Standard Rules by Graham Nelson, which is 42655 words long.
I've also read English Language by Graham Nelson, which is 2297 words long.
In Part SR1 - The Physical World Model, Section SR1/0 - Language in the
extension Standard Rules by Graham Nelson:
>--> An internal error has occurred: tried to extract proposition from
non-description. The current sentence is 'Definition' (the Standard Rules, line 394);
the error was detected at line 21 of "inform7/Chapter 20/Descriptions.w".
This should never happen, and I am now halting in abject failure.

Compiler finished with code 1

Steps to reproduce :

A card is a kind of thing.

A stack of cards is a kind of thing.
A deck of cards is a kind of stack of cards.
Ownership relates one deck of cards (called the owner) to various cards.
The verb to own implies the ownership relation.

[Originally, "standard deck of playing cards" was declared as a kind, but I removed it while simplifying the problem.]
Every standard deck of playing cards owns a card. [Originally 52 cards.]

Before listing contents of something (this is the group together cards rule):
    If exactly one deck (called D) owns any visible cards:
        Group cards together as "cards";
        Make no decision;

The casino is a room.

Additional information :

Possibly because I wrote "deck" instead of "deck of cards"?

imported from: [Mantis 2102] Internal error when grouping together cards
  • status: Closed
  • resolution: Resolved
  • resolved: 2022-04-10T04:36:01+10:00
  • imported: 2022/01/10
curiousdannii-testing commented 2 years ago


Fixed via this commit:

Comment by Graham Nelson:
The error was actually in writing "exactly one deck" instead of "exactly one deck of cards", and a problem message should have been issued. It now is.