curiousdannii / parchment

The Interactive Fiction web app
MIT License
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Text input not recognized in Firefox #34

Closed nickbe closed 7 years ago

nickbe commented 7 years ago

the story seems to load correctly but when I enter a command all I receive is:

That's not a verb I recognise

No matter what I enter.

What am I doing wrong here?

curiousdannii commented 7 years ago

@nickbe Can you explain more what you're wanting to do? You shouldn't need to edit index.html, just specify the story url using the ?story url query.

All you need is index.html and the lib folder.

The interpreter is currently have trouble for keyboard input with z3 stories, but z5 should work fine.

If it doesn't work, can you please upload your setup somewhere so I can test it?

nickbe commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your effort to help me :)

I have a simple local webserver running on windows. Apache, PHP 5.6. Browser is Firefox.

I'm calling the story with either with: http://localhost/parchment/?story=http://localhost/parchment/stories/curses.z5.js or by specifying the default story in the script section of the index.html

In the webroot I have the 'lib' and 'stories' folder and the index.html. That's it. The story seems to load and the intro shows up.

This is the output I get, no matter what I enter:


Here's an example of my current setup:

nickbe commented 7 years ago

ok this is really strange. I just tried lurking.z3 from the infocom Lurking Horror game. And this time I can actually enter a command and it's instantly accepted. But it seems strange that the sample stories from the parchment package shouldn't run as well.

curiousdannii commented 7 years ago

Okay, I do see the error in Firefox, but not in Chrome. I admit I haven't tested it in Firefox for a little while. The benefit of relying on web standards is that there's hardly ever an issue!

I'll track this down now.

curiousdannii commented 7 years ago

So turns out this was a bug that was already fixed in ifvms.js, so I just had to update our reference to it.

nickbe commented 7 years ago

Great :D I'll test it right away

nickbe commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Everything works fine now :)