curiousdannii / parchment

The Interactive Fiction web app
MIT License
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Z3 support #64

Closed chrisrochford closed 5 years ago

chrisrochford commented 5 years ago

When loading Z3 files, receiving the following error:

Uncaught Error: Unsupported Z-Machine version: 3

See: (linked from IFDB)

Is support planned for Z3 or has it been deprecated?

curiousdannii commented 5 years ago

This is an odd situation. Parchment does support version 3, but it determines which interpreter to use based on the filename. It sees that file is called .z5, so it loads ZVM, which doesn't have support for version 3. The filename should be fixed to reflect the actual version of the game.

chrisrochford commented 5 years ago

Ah, got it. I pulled the story down to local parchment, renamed to z3 and it worked. I'll ping IFDB to let them know that the hosting site has the wrong filename. Thanks for the quick suggestion!