curiouslearning / FeedTheMonsterJS

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Production launch of 6 assessments #667

Open burrage opened 10 months ago

burrage commented 10 months ago

User Story As a Product Owner, I want to roll out a letter sounds assessment in Ukrainian, Lugandan, Hindi, Nepali, Zulu, and Pashto in the production Curious Reader app, So that I can start collecting assessment data in those languages for troubleshooting and data analytics purposes.

Assessment roll out plan proposal: Next Sprint (B) (December 14th)

Next next Sprint (C) (December 28th)

Next next next sprint (D) (Jan 11th)

Next next next next Sprint (E) (Jan 25th)

burrage commented 3 months ago

This has been placed on hold as the first production Assessment (Ukrainian) didn't have the data collection completed and we are currently making changes to data collection with GSU and completing a few more features.

Once we have one language down and finished the way we want it, we can resume the rollout of the other localized Assessments.