User Story
As a developer,
I want to log interactions with the navigation arrows as IN_APP_TOUCH events,
So that I can record all navigation arrow touches that occur and can see how often a child just uses the navigation arrows without interacting with anything else on a page.
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I am touching the forward and backward navigation arrows to navigate the book,
When I view the events sent to Firebase,
Then I should be able to see IN_APP_TOUCH events referring to touching the navigation arrows.
User Story As a developer, I want to log interactions with the navigation arrows as IN_APP_TOUCH events, So that I can record all navigation arrow touches that occur and can see how often a child just uses the navigation arrows without interacting with anything else on a page.
Acceptance Criteria Given that I am touching the forward and backward navigation arrows to navigate the book, When I view the events sent to Firebase, Then I should be able to see IN_APP_TOUCH events referring to touching the navigation arrows.