First story is preferable but second story is acceptable if we aren't allowed to do the first through the Google Maps interface.
User Story
As a visitor,
I want to be able to automatically close the informational modal of a country or region when I click outside the modal,
So it is easier for me to navigate the map when I find different points of interest.
As a visitor,
I want the close button to be larger and standout more,
So it is easier for me to navigate the map when I find different points of interest by knowing that I need to close the modal.
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I am on All Learners or Your Learners map view and I have clicked on a country or region to bring up the informational modal,
When I click anywhere outside the modal,
Then the modal should automatically close.
First story is preferable but second story is acceptable if we aren't allowed to do the first through the Google Maps interface.
User Story As a visitor, I want to be able to automatically close the informational modal of a country or region when I click outside the modal, So it is easier for me to navigate the map when I find different points of interest.
As a visitor, I want the close button to be larger and standout more, So it is easier for me to navigate the map when I find different points of interest by knowing that I need to close the modal.
Acceptance Criteria Given that I am on All Learners or Your Learners map view and I have clicked on a country or region to bring up the informational modal, When I click anywhere outside the modal, Then the modal should automatically close.
AC 2-- Also check the above on mobile.