curiouslearning / followthelearners

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Add social media icons to sticky header UI #495

Closed burrage closed 3 years ago

burrage commented 3 years ago

User Story As a Product Owner, I want to add icons to FTL that allow people to visit our marketing/social media channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Mailchimp), So that visitors to FTL can stay apprised of what we are doing by following us on social media or signing up for our Mailchimp mailing list.

Try and grab the icons from the bottom of the Curious Learning website if possible:

Acceptance Criteria Given that I am viewing FTL, When I view the sticky header, Then I should see icons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Mailchimp.

Given that I am viewing the icons in the sticky header, When I click the icons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, Then I should be taken to the following pages in a new window:

(Mailchimp link functionality in another task card)