User Story
As a Product Owner,
I want 3 separate line graph visualizations:
Learners coming in vs time
Donor #s vs time
Donation amount vs time
that can be filtered by country, campaign, date range, and UTM attribution (note: visualizations #2 an #3 cannot be filtered by country) in the FTL admin interface and to show the totals shown in the line graph as a number and to show the rate over time as determined by the chosen time scale,
So that it is easy for an executive or product team member to quantitatively see how well we are doing over time.
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I have logged into the FTL Admin page,
When I browse to the "Overview" tab,
Then I should see 3 line graphs for Learners coming in vs time, Donor #s vs time, Donation amount vs time, with the ability to filter the data presented by country, campaign, date range, and UTM attribution.
User Story As a Product Owner, I want 3 separate line graph visualizations:
that can be filtered by country, campaign, date range, and UTM attribution (note: visualizations #2 an #3 cannot be filtered by country) in the FTL admin interface and to show the totals shown in the line graph as a number and to show the rate over time as determined by the chosen time scale, So that it is easy for an executive or product team member to quantitatively see how well we are doing over time.
Acceptance Criteria Given that I have logged into the FTL Admin page, When I browse to the "Overview" tab, Then I should see 3 line graphs for Learners coming in vs time, Donor #s vs time, Donation amount vs time, with the ability to filter the data presented by country, campaign, date range, and UTM attribution.