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Evaluate data pathways for obtaining data for Admin Dashboard and setup appropriate backend infrastructure #510

Closed burrage closed 3 years ago

burrage commented 3 years ago

User Story As a developer, I want to review the various data pathways for obtaining the data needed to power the three sections of the Admin Dashboard (Business Overview, Tech Health, and Deep Dive Tech), So that I can determine what best practices for how/when we should pull data to employ and what backend infrastructure would be needed to store data (if needed).

As a developer, I want to create any backend data structures necessary to hold data over time to power the 3 Admin Dashboard sections, So that the visualizations can be powered off the

Acceptance Criteria Given that I am viewing the Admin Dashboard, When I browse to either the Business Overview section, the Tech Health section, or the Deep Dive Tech section, Then I should be fetching data necessary to power the visualizations in each of those sections.

eric-gt commented 3 years ago

Data Pathway Requirements


Anything reported from Firestore to DataStudio will likely follow the following pipeline: Firestore collection >>CloudFunction Event Trigger>> BigQuery table >>Data Studio Connector>> DataStudio Report

Where possible, sanity checks will avoid firestore entirely. If data is not available outside firestore (i.e: assignment data, open donations) estimated trends can be plotted based on expected behavior and base metrics (e.g. 10 donations opened on 2021-03-01, 9 for $20, 1 for $50 at $1/learner over 14 days, on 2021-03-13 expected open donations should be 9 at 18 learners, 1 at 47 learners)

Business Metrics

Learners Acquired

Donors Acquired

Donations in USD

Tech Health Metrics

Learners Ingested

see Business Metrics >> Learners Acquired

Active Donations

Learners Assigned

Status Deep Dives



Cloud Functions



Ingestion Cronjobs