Tinsley would like this completed by March 26th before the board meeting on the 27th.
User Story
As a Product Owner,
I want to create a publicly available /dashboard page on the production server that is a copy of the admin dashboard that ONLY shows the "Overview" visualizations and removes the ability to access any of the other admin sections,
So that I have a public-facing dashboard.
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I am on a desktop OR mobile browser,
When I visit followthelearners.curiouslearning.org/dashboard,
Then I should be able to see all 3 overview visualizations from Data Studio.
Tinsley would like this completed by March 26th before the board meeting on the 27th.
User Story As a Product Owner, I want to create a publicly available /dashboard page on the production server that is a copy of the admin dashboard that ONLY shows the "Overview" visualizations and removes the ability to access any of the other admin sections, So that I have a public-facing dashboard.
Acceptance Criteria Given that I am on a desktop OR mobile browser, When I visit followthelearners.curiouslearning.org/dashboard, Then I should be able to see all 3 overview visualizations from Data Studio.