curl / trurl

trurl is a command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation.
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ci: build libcurl without http #255

Closed vszakats closed 10 months ago

vszakats commented 10 months ago

For even smaller trurl binaries, and faster builds with libcurl built without http support.

Also move http/80 tests to imap/143 for default-port tests. We need IMAP already for IMAP options support.

Also mark tests relying on IMAP default port to require libcurl with IMAP enabled.

ARM64 trurl.exe sizes:

Closes #255

Pending: [MERGED]

vszakats commented 10 months ago

There are reasonable savings in binary size by using a slimmed down libcurl.

The downside is the loss of the default:port feature for the disabled protocols.

It'd help if trurl could provide its own list of default ports without relying on libcurl for this (or if libcurl would do the same without pulling in the whole protocol logic.)

bagder commented 10 months ago

Agreed! It is probably best handled by trurl itself...