curlconverter / curlconverter

Transpile curl commands into Python, JavaScript and 27 other languages
MIT License
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Add generator for Java #22

Closed NickCarneiro closed 2 years ago

NickCarneiro commented 7 years ago

Java is super popular and super verbose, making it a good candidate for curlconverter.

We need to find out if there is some modern library for sending http requests. Please advise.

I've used the Apache HttpClient before, but this looks interesting: There's no reason we couldn't have two generators.

D063520 commented 5 years ago

Why was this enhancement closed? Postman uses OkHttpClient.

NickCarneiro commented 5 years ago

It didn't look like there was much interest back then. I'll reopen it so maybe this will get some more eyeballs on it and someone will pick it up.

la3rence commented 4 years ago

It's 2020 now.

NickCarneiro commented 4 years ago

@Lonor Are you saying you want a Java generator?

la3rence commented 4 years ago


rainydew commented 4 years ago

@Lonor Are you saying you want a Java generator?

and me too

jgroom33 commented 3 years ago

someone that regularly codes java needs to write this. This curlconverter library is very simple. Java is not.

verhovsky commented 2 years ago

Java support was added in #256