curlconverter / curlconverter

Transpile curl commands into Python, JavaScript and 27 other languages
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curlconverter by default consider server root path for 'tree-sitter-bash.wasm' file #617

Open eknathyadav opened 4 months ago

eknathyadav commented 4 months ago

Dear Team,

Is there any way I could customize the path? Rather than considering the server root path (i.e for 'tree-sitter-bash.wasm file, is there any possibility that I can specify my customized path? The thing is I don't want to serve that file from the server root path.

verhovsky commented 4 months ago

There is no way currently, you would have to fork the repo and change these two lines

to something like

await Parser.init({
  locateFile(scriptName: string, scriptDirectory: string) {
    return '/some/other/path/tree-sitter.wasm';
const Bash = await Parser.Language.load("/some/other/path/tree-sitter-bash.wasm");

The reason a way to pass these file names hasn't been implemented is so the normal usecase is simpler, you can just do

import * as curlconverter from 'curlconverter';


instead of having to do

import * as curlconverterInit from 'curlconverter';

const curlconverter = curlconverterInit();


and there's as little distinction between the native version of the library and the WASM version of the library, the only difference is just this line in package.json

chris48s commented 1 month ago

I'm bumping an old issue here, but the way this is at the moment, it works fine if your website lives at the root of your domain (e.g: ) but if your website lives in a subdirectory (e.g: ) the library tries to load tree-sitter-bash.wasm from instead of

This makes it impossible to use the library in a site that is deployed to a subdirectory.

The other thing I noticed trying to use this in a browser is that although the docs say tree-sitter.wasm is also loaded from the root, that one seems to actually be loaded relative to the js file that tries to load it. So if my js bundle is then tree-sitter.wasm will be loaded from

It would be useful if those two worked the same way, but the inconsistency is less of an issue.