curlconverter / curlconverter

Transpile curl commands into Python, JavaScript and 27 other languages
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Is there a way to pass locateFile fn on Parser.init #659

Open agniokas opened 4 weeks ago

agniokas commented 4 weeks ago

There is a problem, when trying to host curlconverter in nextjs project, which is aknowleged by tree-sitter. It also has a solution (see below), however, i am not able to use it, i assume because, when curl converter initializes Parser, it overrides locateFunction. For the moment, i relocate tree-sitter.wasm files to each page in .next/static/chunk/pages, but i would like a nicer solution to this. Is there a way?

For server side frameworks like NextJS, this can be tricky as pages are often served from a path such as http://localhost:3000/_next/static/chunks/pages/index.js. The loader will therefore look for the wasm file at http://localhost:3000/_next/static/chunks/pages/tree-sitter.wasm. The solution is to pass a locateFile function in the moduleOptions argument to Parser.init():

await Parser.init({
  locateFile(scriptName: string, scriptDirectory: string) {
    return scriptName;
verhovsky commented 4 weeks ago

You'll have to make a personal fork of curlconverter, sorry. I want to keep the interface simple.

Not exactly what you're asking, I but I tried making it look for the wasm files in a relative directory #649 but that doesn't work for because you can open it like (for example), which requests the wasm from which wouldn't work, unless we copy the wasm to each directory but I don't want to duplicate it like that...

verhovsky commented 4 weeks ago

Another alternative would be replacing tree-sitter with