curlyboi / WinTelive

telive comaptible frontend for Windows
35 stars 15 forks source link

Installation Instructions #6

Open E3V3A opened 6 years ago

E3V3A commented 6 years ago

Hi! Watched your video and this SW look pretty awesome!

However, there is no info about how to install this, and the requirements regarding SW or HW. That is too bad, because you did so much work on this, and nobody is able to use it. In addition, your other website is so slow it almost seem down.

But for everybodys convenience here is the text:

 Telive on Windows (x86_64)
- put together by cURLy bOi

This has started as an effort to port sq5bpf's telive to Windows,
but I ultimately had to rewrite the whole thing to match Windows
user comfort.

1) Download GNU Radio for Windows from
   and install
2) Copy contents of gnuradio_mod folder to c:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\
3) Download and install M-SYS2 from and install
4) Copy contents of msys_root to your M-SYS2 installation directory
5) Open M-SYS2 shell and execute "pacman -S socat tmux"
6) Install VC 2015 runtime 32 AND 64 bit!!!

1) Open GRC project (more can be got from the original telive github)
2) Use the Project/Execute to run the project from the GRC
   - OR -
   If you had headless (without GUI) project, use Project/Generate option
   to generate file in the GRC project directory.
   Then open GNURadio Command Prompt from Start menu, the use this command
   c:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u c:\path\to\grc\project\
   This will enhance performance.
3) Open M-SYS2 shell and execute command "muxrec X" where X is the number of receivers you want to open
4) Open wintelive.exe and connect
5) That's it, should work.

Do you have to use M-SYS2 or can you also use Cygwin?

E3V3A commented 6 years ago

Some additional "instructions" found on

  1. Install BOTH Visual C++ 2015 runtime 32 *and** 64 bit

  2. Install: GNU radio, MSYS2, and Wintelive, as per instructions of curly boy

  3. Check for tetra channels with SDR sharp. If signal(s) is well above noise floor write down the strongest channels on a paper. If signal is very low you need a proper antenna made for the tetra frequencies in your area. If you need help with the UHF antenna check this. Do not use excessive gain id SDR-sharp. Reason is that you get too much noise, so the program will not decode tetra traffic or only decode partially. Check with SDR how much gain is necessary without raising noise floor and write it down.

  4. Reserve resources from your computer. That is try to switch off all unnecessary processes. VERY IMPORTANT: switch off AntiViruses, Windows Firewall, Windows Defender, WiFi, google crash etc. To help get you an idea, look at this

  5. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL and again, to kill all unnecessary processes

  6. Open wintelive_10channels.grc with GNU radio and DISABLE all 10 channels in the GNU graphic except one, sych that you are left with only ONE channel (press on each box and select “disable”.)

  7. On the left of GNU grafic, find the Variable ID:sdr-gain box and replace 33 with the gain you found necessary from SDR sharp. Next to it, is the Variable ID:sdr_ifgain box. Replace the 20 with something accordingly to the sdr gain you entered for example for sdr_gain, 18. sdr_ifgain gain should be 10.

  8. Execute the flow graph. Wait for everything to load and the graphic to start working

  9. open MSYS and type muxrec 1 . That is you are going to use ONLY one channel.

  10. open wintelive. Do not use allscan or bandscan, since they work very poorly. Enter manually the frequency of your preference that you found from SDR-sharp and you wrote down on paper. Press tune. Program should start to work. New frequencies will start to appear on the Discovered frequencies box

  11. Check if you are having a lot of SDS messages. That means everything is OK. You should hear voice Now !!!!

  12. If you are sick and tired of all the little wav files, download and replace wintelive exe with this. The new new exe wav’s will not be written and program will not crash after shutting down SDS messages box. (Program is not mine it’s from “holger”…)

E3V3A commented 6 years ago

Some of the links:

curlyboi commented 6 years ago

cygwin should work. its only because one component i was unable to compile under windows. otherwise there would be no need for it.

E3V3A commented 6 years ago

@curlyboi Wow you're alive! 👍 🎉

What is your current outlook, development wise for this?

Looking at the comments both on your video and the site, seem that loads of people are interested in this. Even someone made some source code changes, but never bothered to send you a pull request. Understandably we all have our own priorities, in life. It would be a shame to see this project die just because people were not able to help.

So in case you are not happy with continuing maintaining this project, would you consider handing it over to someone else?

curlyboi commented 6 years ago

Everyone is free to make a fork... I usually just create a sort of proof of concept that works most of the time and then let the community to take over. The same has happened with my other important project on github. I simply don't have time and motivation to continue, once it's sort of working. The install instructions should be fine, the VC libraries are because of libtetradec, it is a shameless rip of the audio codec used in tetra but the original libs were for linux so we sort of hacked it together and compiled under visual studio. If you were to compile it using a newer one, then you would certainly need newer runtime version.

E3V3A commented 6 years ago

Everyone is free to make a fork.

The problem, with just making a fork, is that then the project can't be maintained on the forked repo. Merging PRs, closing issues etc etc. You'd actually have to hand over the control of the original repo, AFAICT.

frankejohn commented 5 years ago

muxrec x dose not work in msys and the command c:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\gr-python27\python.exe -u c:\path\to\grc\project\ dose not work. A pity