curlysemi / T4MVCLite

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Bring-in more recent R4MVC stuff #2

Open curlysemi opened 5 years ago

curlysemi commented 5 years ago

9f26f8f50c5057926e33dea6967954e739adb77a added code from the R4MVC repo (from this sub-project) at some point in time around here (specifically, about 7c752ae). There has been a lot of changes since then. TODOs, such as this one have likely been resolved.

Might want to consider forking R4MVC and changing it to target MVC5 instead of continuing any further from this point. T4MVCCoreLite was just chosen as a different starting point (other abandoned starts were: forking sharpdevelop and using their DTE with (there is a neglected fork out there — couldn't escape a circular dependency issue due to how the Host behaved), a complete re-implementation using Scripty (Scripty is too broken), implementing a hacky version of Scripty using Buildalyzer (ran into strange dependency errors) to try to more-or-less follow the previous approach, implement a hacky version of Buildalyzer using the MSBuild APIs so I could implement a hackier version of Scripty) because it was a much smaller project than the other starting points (and easy to follow/experiment with).

curlysemi commented 5 years ago

Forking R4MVC would make it easier to maintain (provided that R4MVC doesn't diverge significantly from T4MVC's behavior — which, I at this stage, am not entirely sure of).

Fork should probably be named R4MVC5 or something of the kind.

curlysemi commented 5 years ago

R4MVC has been forked to produce R4MVC5. This repo will be archived.