cursey / kanan-new

A reimagining of Kanan for Mabinogi written in C++
The Unlicense
146 stars 69 forks source link

inputs still being sent to mabi while kanan is open #77

Open PoiDoex8 opened 5 years ago

PoiDoex8 commented 5 years ago

as the title says. Inputs are still being sent to mabi, when clicking around in the kanan.

Launching via steam


Welcome to Kanan for Mabinogi. Creating Kanan object. [Mods] Entering cosntructor. [Mods] Leaving constructor. Entering Kanan constructor. Hooking D3D9... Entering D3D9Hook::hook(). Got Direct3DCreate9 5E189140 Got IDirect3D9 1FB472A0 Got IDirect3DDevice9 1FDB0C40 Got IDirect3DDevice9::Present 5E22B3B0 Got IDirect3DDevice9::Reset 5E22B7B0 D3D9Hook hooked successfully. Creating the Game object... Entering Game constructor. Got CRendererPtr 0379CC40 Got CEntityListPtr 03A2E118 Got CWorldPtr 03A2E5C0 Got CAccountPtr 037AB6D8 Leaving Game constructor. Loading mods... [Mods] Loading mods... [Show Combat Power] Found address 01274334 for pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 97 ? ? ? ? 8B 87 [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 01141E87 for pattern 74 0D 8B 45 08 50 8B CB E8 ? ? ? ? EB 0B [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 01296166 for pattern 75 3D 83 BE ? ? ? ? ? [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 011FF5E1 for pattern 74 25 80 7B 73 00 [Use Bitmap Font] Found address 01179903 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 57 [Elf Lag Fix] Found address 00B6BCD0 for pattern 55 8B EC 56 8B F1 8B 06 8B 50 0C 57 FF D2 8B C8 [Windows Appear Faster] Found address 0122ACED for pattern 74 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 74 ? F6 46 14 ? 75 ? 8B 10 8B C8 8B 82 74 01 00 00 FF D0 84 C0 75 ? 83 BE A8 00 00 00 ? C6 86 A4 00 00 00 ? 75 ? B9 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 89 86 A8 00 00 00 8B 4D 08 [Windows Appear Faster] Found address 013200B9 for pattern 8B 4D 18 6A ? 51 8B 8E A8 00 00 00 [One Click Revive] Found address 013FCBA4 for pattern 0F 86 ? ? ? ? 8B 4D E8 8B 11 [Disable Mount Timeout] Found address 012F1ED9 for pattern 89 90 5C 02 00 00 [Unlimited Zoom] Found address 01010D71 for pattern 7A 05 D9 5D 08 EB 02 DD D8 D9 45 08 D9 45 F8 [Unlimited Zoom] Found address 01010D71 for pattern 7A 05 D9 5D 08 EB 02 DD D8 D9 45 08 D9 45 F8 [Logout In Conversation] Found address 018F00BF for pattern 84 C0 74 19 B8 ? ? ? ? 8B 4D F4 64 89 0D ? ? ? ? 59 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C2 04 00 [Allow Moving To Same Channel] Found address 0151FD66 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D DC E8 ? ? ? ? C6 45 FC ? 8D 55 DC 52 8D 45 B4 [Disable Censorship] Found address 0082A321 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 80 7D F3 00 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 85 D2 [Disable Channel Move Denial] Found address 012EBA97 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 89 5D F0 89 5D FC 8B CF E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 10 [Disable Channel Move Description] Found address 01520C80 for pattern 51 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 53 6A ? 53 53 6A ? 53 6A ? 56 8D 55 DC [Disable Logout Penalty Msg] Found address 012E6D4A for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 88 5D F2 88 5D F3 [Disable Skill Rankup Window] Found address 017720E9 for pattern 8B F0 33 DB 3B F3 75 16 32 C0 [Disable Skill Rankup Window] Found address 013836DA for pattern E8 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 10 8B 35 [Infinite Party Ad Time] Found address 017ADB30 for pattern 55 8B EC 56 8B F1 8B 46 64 83 78 08 00 74 32 [Remove Dungeon Fog] Found address 00C52500 for pattern 0F B6 41 05 C1 E8 02 83 E0 01 C3 [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00F67024 for pattern D9 01 8B 46 64 [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00F67024 for pattern D9 01 8B 46 64 [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00F67024 for pattern D9 01 8B 46 64 [Disable Screen Shake] Found address 00F67024 for pattern D9 01 8B 46 64 [Always Trans Collect Mode] Found address 018461B8 for pattern 38 5F 78 0F 84 CF 02 00 00 8B CE [Allow Canceling Lance Counter] Found address 02166860 for pattern 55 8B EC 6A FF 68 ? ? ? ? 64 A1 ? ? ? ? 50 83 EC 0C 53 56 57 A1 ? ? ? ? 33 C5 50 8D 45 F4 64 A3 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 0F 84 ? ? ? ? E8 [Allow Same Chat Messages] Found address 01485708 for pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 33 FF C6 45 F3 01 [Allow Same Chat Messages] Found address 014858A5 for pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 33 FF 80 7D 10 00 [Allow Rapid Chat Messages] Found address 014854BF for pattern 76 B0 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D DC [Enable Chat To Mini-gamers] Found address 024A2A04 for pattern 75 13 8D 4D 08 56 [Force Client Side DevCAT] Found address 00B2F88C for pattern 74 21 8B 16 8B 82 94 00 00 00 8B CE [Disable Screen Flash] Found address 012A4D5F for pattern 55 1C 53 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 56 [Allow Dungeon Map Resize] Found address 0149E392 for pattern C2 8D ? ? ? ? ? ? B8 B4 00 00 00 [Allow Dungeon Map Resize] Found address 0149F6D3 for pattern BF B4 00 00 00 6A [Allow FSAA (Setting)] Found address 015F723C for pattern 53 FF D2 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 6A 0C E8 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 89 45 D0 Beginning intialization... Getting window from D3D9 device... Initializing ImGui... Hooking DInput... Entering DInputHook::hook(). Got DirectInput8Create 5BBEB400 Got IDirectInput 1FEB89F8 Got IDirectInputDevice 1FEB22E0 Got IDirectInputDevice::GetDeviceData 77A656F0 DInputHook hooked successfully. Hooking the windows message procedure... Loading time critical mods... [Mods] Loading time critical mods... [UseDataFolder] Entering constructor... [UseDataFolder] Got address of CFileSystem 037CC0E8 [UseDataFolder] Got address of SetLookUpOrder 004BFC30 [UseDataFolder] Leaving constructor. [UseDataFolder] Toggling on [Mods] Finished loading time critical mods. [Allow Interface While Dead] Found address 0131D3EE for pattern FF 87 ? ? ? ? EB 11 [Allow Minimap Zoom] Found address 017D2138 for pattern 89 4E 74 80 78 40 00 74 16 [Increase Alt Text Distance] Found address 0224ECF4 for pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? D9 ? D9 ? ? D8 ? DF E0 F6 C4 ? [Disable Fighter Forced Interface] Found address 0120AA09 for pattern 83 79 44 01 75 09 6A 00 6A 00 E8 [Disable Fighter Forced Interface] Found address 0120AA09 for pattern 83 79 44 01 75 09 6A 00 6A 00 E8 [Enable Free Indoor Camera] Found address 0184BCAA for pattern 57 8B 7D 08 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E C8 01 00 00 [Hide Main Titles] Found address 00BCCDCE for pattern 08 00 66 8B 41 10 C3 [Hide Second Titles] Found address 0224FD46 for pattern C1 E9 14 F6 C1 01 75 ? 8B [Hide NPC Curtains] Found address 012A46D0 for pattern 55 8B EC 8A 45 08 56 8B F1 38 06 [Hide Objects] Found address 00FB48D5 for pattern 39 78 0C 0F 94 C0 84 C0 0F 84 92 00 00 00 8B 45 [Allow Hotkey For Any Item] Found address 012F3C64 for pattern 84 C0 74 06 B0 01 5D C2 04 00 32 C0 5D C2 04 00 CC [Ignore Maintain Frame Number] Found address 0151E263 for pattern 89 4E 50 8B 57 54 89 56 54 0F B6 47 58 88 46 58 0F B6 4F 59 [Disable Translucency Changes] Found address 0104DA59 for pattern 39 70 04 75 39 3B FE [Clean Up Title Menu] Failed to find pattern 85 C0 0F 88 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 7E ? 83 F8 02 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D [Clean Up Title Menu] Failed to find pattern 85 C0 0F 88 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 7E ? 83 F8 02 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D [Clean Up Title Menu] Failed to find pattern 85 C0 0F 88 ? ? ? ? 83 F8 01 7E ? 83 F8 02 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D [Show Clock Minutes] Found address 02407A34 for pattern 89 45 C8 39 9F 58 01 00 00 [Show Clock Minutes] Found address 02407925 for pattern 89 4D C8 39 9F 58 01 00 00 [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 0143EBD5 for pattern B8 ? ? ? ? F7 E6 C1 EA 03 42 [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 0143E738 for pattern 83 F8 0F 0F 97 C0 [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 0143E906 for pattern 6A 0F 83 DE 00 [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 0143E917 for pattern C1 E6 04 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D EC [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Found address 0143E917 for pattern C1 E6 04 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D EC [Mute Commerce Imp] Found address 018BF237 for pattern 8B ? ? 03 ? ? 3B ? 08 0F 83 [Speed Up NPC Text] Found address 01336BE6 for pattern 8B 08 33 FF 3B CF 76 2A [Skip Personal Shop Creation Message] Found address 018ED8D6 for pattern 52 53 6A ? 53 53 6A ? 53 6A ? 53 53 8D 45 E4 50 E8 ? ? ? ? C6 45 FC ? 8B 4D EC 3B CB 74 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 89 5D EC C6 45 FC ? 8B 4D E4 3B CB 74 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 89 5D E4 C6 45 FC ? [Disable Sky Rendering] Failed to find pattern 74 42 8B 4E 04 8B 11 8B 82 E4 00 00 00 6A 04 FF D0 8B C8 E8 [Disable Sky Rendering] Found address 01147BD4 for pattern 8B 4E 30 85 C9 0F 84 91 00 00 00 E8 [Enable Right-Clicking Self] Failed to find pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 3B D7 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E 90 00 00 00 [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 012CDFC7 for pattern 75 18 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 8D [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 026C8358 for pattern 75 07 68 ? ? ? ? EB 1F 6A 0A 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 8D ? ? ? ? 51 53 [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 013B8A7E for pattern 75 07 68 ? ? ? ? EB 1F 6A 0A 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 8D ? ? ? ? 51 50 [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 012CDFBF for pattern 33 DB 85 F6 75 1C [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 026C8350 for pattern 33 DB 85 FF 75 0B [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Found address 013B8A68 for pattern C7 85 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8B 85 ? ? ? ? 85 F6 [Show Item Class] Found address 016E8EEE for pattern 66 3B C1 0F 85 ? 02 00 00 68 ? ? ? ? B9 [Show Item Trade Price] Found address 013521EA for pattern 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D F0 E8 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D D0 [Skip Graphics Card Message] Found address 00473860 for pattern 83 C4 08 84 C0 75 7F 8D [Enable Talking to Unequipped Ego] Found address 01783AE3 for pattern 0F 85 90 00 00 00 68 ? ? ? ? 8D 4D DC E8 [Enable NPC Equipment View] Found address 01C59AEA for pattern 84 C0 0F 85 A7 ? ? ? 8B CF [Enable NPC Equipment View] Found address 01C59AEA for pattern 84 C0 0F 85 A7 ? ? ? 8B CF [Disable Reward Window] Found address 01C562F1 for pattern 3B D6 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 33 DB [Zero Fog Distance] Found address 0113E414 for pattern D9 45 14 5D C2 10 [Zero Fog Distance] Found address 0113E464 for pattern D9 45 14 5D C2 10 [Center Giant Camera] Found address 01743F7C for pattern 74 2C 68 ? ? ? ? 8B CF E8 [Disable Fullscreen Change] Found address 010BFADB for pattern 88 48 3C 8B 56 0C 83 C2 30 52 [Faster Networking] Found address 02770192 for pattern 74 ? FF 15 ? ? ? ? 8B 93 80 00 00 00 [Faster Networking] Found address 0276ECD6 for pattern 74 ? FF 15 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E 80 00 00 00 2B 44 8E 08 [Faster Networking] Found address 0276ECA6 for pattern 74 ? FF 15 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E 80 00 00 00 89 44 8E 08 [Disable Avon Curtains] Found address 013DCC57 for pattern 0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8B 0E 6A ? 6A ? [Disable Item Magnet Cooldown] Found address 013A6123 for pattern 50 52 C7 45 E8 98 3A [Avoid Bank Trade] Found address 015C28E0 for pattern 8B 55 10 52 FF D0 84 DB 74 [Disable Game End Survey] Found address 00474C9C for pattern 50 8B 45 D0 50 51 56 FF 15 [Show Dorcha Numbers] Found address 01605C08 for pattern 52 FF 84 C0 0F 84 0F 01 00 00 [Show entity HP] Found address 023B4DBA for pattern 68 F8 03 00 00 89 5D [Skip Cutscenes] Found address 0084E40F for pattern 74 19 8B 45 0C 8B 75 08 50 56 E8 [Skip Cutscenes] Found address 0084E4AF for pattern 74 19 8B 45 0C 8B 75 08 50 56 E8 [Skip Cutscenes] Found address 0084E5FF for pattern 74 19 8B 45 0C 8B 75 08 50 56 E8 [Disable Summoning Status Windows] Found address 0175FB79 for pattern 8D 4D EC 38 5D 08 74 5A [Disable Alpaca Carrying] Found address 012F1C34 for pattern 83 F8 19 72 0F 8B CE [Golem Range Fix] Found address 018D7562 for pattern 84 C0 0F 84 1F 05 00 00 8B 4E 28 [Show Unknown Quest Objectives] Found address 0175BBDC for pattern 38 5E 0D 75 17 [Hide Bingo Button] Found address 013067F0 for pattern 3B FB 0F 84 E7 01 00 00 8B CF E8 [Keep Pet Window Open] Found address 0175FED7 for pattern 84 C0 0F 84 33 19 00 00 8B 0D [Show Unknown Skill Requirements] Found address 01377368 for pattern 84 C0 74 7D 57 [Show Unknown Upgrades] Found address 015E801D for pattern 3A 85 AB FE FF FF 0F 83 [Render Wireframe] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Wireframe] Found address 0119308A for pattern FF D0 3A C3 0F 85 [Render FPS info] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render FPS info] Found address 011BE6A5 for pattern FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 AD 08 00 00 2B 3D [Render Prop Bounds] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Prop Bounds] Found address 011C1509 for pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 1F 8B 4E 30 8B 11 83 BA 7C 05 00 00 00 74 11 8B 8A [Render Light Radius] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Light Radius] Found address 01119E8F for pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 40 8B 0E [Render Light Information] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Light Information] Found address 011C044D for pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 C2 [Render Collision Boxes] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Collision Boxes] Found address 01119DC5 for pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 0C 8B 17 8B 82 CC 00 00 00 [Render Axis] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Axis] Found address 01119D9F for pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 0C 8B 17 8B 82 D0 00 00 00 [Render Bones Hitboxes] Found address 01119529 for pattern 8B 10 8B C8 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 0F 84 EE 09 00 00 8B 0E [Render Bones Hitboxes] Found address 01119D79 for pattern 8B 42 04 FF D0 84 C0 74 0C 8B 17 8B 82 C8 00 00 00 [Remove Item Drop animation] Found address 016F145F for pattern 0F 84 17 02 00 00 39 9E Got RangedAttackSwap 00B6BE26 Got TTFFontSize 01296182 Got ColorAltText 0127403D Entering AutoSetMTU constructor. Looking for connection address... Got connection address 02772EC0 Hooked the connection function. Leaving AutoSetMTU constructor. Entering DisableNagle constructor. Successfully hooked ws2_32.socket Leaving DisableNagle constructor. Entering EnableMultiClient. Got EnableMultiClient 0047288C Leaving EnableMultiClient. [EquipmentOverride] Entering constructor [EquipmentOverride] Found address of setEquipmentInfo 01726B00 [EquipmentOverride] Leaving constructor [FreezeTimeOfDay] Entering constructor... [FreezeTimeOfDay] Found address for setTimeOfDay 0111BDD0 [FreezeTimeOfDay] Hooked setTimeOfDay [FreezeTimeOfDay] Leaving constructor [Mods] Finished loading mods. Done initializing. Leaving Kanan constructor. Leaving kananInit. Loading config D:\Mabishit\mods\kanan/config.txt [UseDataFolder] Toggling on [BorderlessWindow] Applying Borderless Window settings... Toggling EnableMultiClient... Toggled EnableMultiClient on successfully. [Logout In Conversation] Toggling on [Allow FSAA (Setting)] Toggling on [Center Giant Camera] Toggling on [Disable Avon Curtains] Toggling on [Disable Fullscreen Change] Toggling on [Disable Screen Flash] Toggling on [Disable Screen Shake] Toggling on [Disable Translucency Changes] Toggling on [Hide NPC Curtains] Toggling on [Render FPS info] Toggling on [Unlimited Zoom] Toggling on [Zero Fog Distance] Toggling on [Enable NPC Equipment View] Toggling on [Show Combat Power] Toggling on [Show Dorcha Numbers] Toggling on [Show Negative HP When Deadly] Toggling on [Show Unknown Quest Objectives] Toggling on [Show Unknown Skill Requirements] Toggling on [Show entity HP] Toggling on [Allow Interface While Dead] Toggling on [Keep Pet Window Open] Toggling on [Mute Commerce Imp] Toggling on [Show Clock Minutes] Toggling on [Show Mission Timer Seconds] Toggling on [Allow Rapid Chat Messages] Toggling on [Allow Same Chat Messages] Toggling on [Always Trans Collect Mode] Toggling on [Disable Censorship] Toggling on [Disable Game End Survey] Toggling on [Enable Chat To Mini-gamers] Toggling on [Enable Talking to Unequipped Ego] Toggling on Applying RangedAttackSwap... [Remove Dungeon Fog] Toggling on [Skip Graphics Card Message] Toggling on [Skip Personal Shop Creation Message] Toggling on [Allow Moving To Same Channel] Toggling on [Disable Channel Move Denial] Toggling on [Disable Channel Move Description] Toggling on [Disable Item Magnet Cooldown] Toggling on [Disable Logout Penalty Msg] Toggling on [Disable Mount Timeout] Toggling on [Ignore Maintain Frame Number] Toggling on [Skip Cutscenes] Toggling on [Speed Up NPC Text] Toggling on [Windows Appear Faster] Toggling on Applying TTFFontSize... [Use Bitmap Font] Toggling on Config loading done. [BorderlessWindow] Trying to set style: 336199680 [BorderlessWindow] Trying to set style: 336199680 [BorderlessWindow] Style set! [BorderlessWindow] Trying to move to x:0 y:0 w:1920 h:1040 [BorderlessWindow] Window moved! [BorderlessWindow] Choices applied.

cursey commented 5 years ago

Well it seems like all the relevant input hooks got created successfully. Do you run with any other overlays (steam, discord, etc.)?

PoiDoex8 commented 5 years ago

no other overlays, disabled them all to double check