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Keyboard shortcut to switch REPL windows #2052

Open smahood opened 5 years ago

smahood commented 5 years ago

When running multiple REPLs within Cursive, it would be great to be able to set a keyboard shortcut that switched which of the windows was active (both visually and to send forms to). My use case would be to use it to switch between a Clojure REPL and a ClojureScript REPL easily when working on a project that contains both (in the absence of other improvements to that scenario).

vlaaad commented 5 years ago

I think autoswitching to repl of appropriate type depending when sending form to repl from clj/cljs file would be even better option.

DjebbZ commented 5 years ago

It can already do it (exactly the same use case): once the focus is on the REPL pane (both the input and the output part) I can use the "Select Previous/Next Tab" action (bound to Ctrl+Page Up/Down for me).

jaimesangcap commented 4 years ago

Seems like this is still the case. How do you manage it right now?

sooheon commented 4 years ago

@jaimesangcap Editor Tabs > Select Previous/Next Tab works for me. I have it bound to Cmd-shift-[ or ].