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Babashka run configurations don't seem to honor parameters or bb cmd path #2903

Open dtt-lenherr opened 1 month ago

dtt-lenherr commented 1 month ago

I was trying to set some JVM properties pre-startup (proxy & keystore) and noticed that nothing got applied. So my natural second attempt was to put everything in a script, and call that as a drop-in replacement for the bb-cmd -- which in turn also didn't get called. I have no idea where the "fallback" bb cmd was configured, but it always called the one I configured initially, regardless of my entries in the run configuration.

So I configured a 'before launch' manual bb-nrepl-server script which was another bust since non-terminating prelaunch scripts will block the repl connection from being established. I looked up workarounds for that and ended up going with the suggestion to install a plugin called multirun.

To make it work I had to configure the two individual steps (nrepl-server + nrepl-connection) as separate run configurations and glue them together with multirun, which kind of worked with some minor drawbacks.

The final workaround

The drawbacks with the workaround are:

I consider this a very low prio feature enhancement but if it's a low hanging fruit I'd be happy to get it fixed. :-)

My IJ version: Build #IC-233.13135.103, built on December 20, 2023 My Cursive version: 1.13.3-2023.3 Platform (probably not relevant, but for completeness): BuildNumber Caption Version 22621 Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise 10.0.22621

cursive-ide commented 1 month ago

Hmm, that definitely sounds like a pain. I'll try to repro this and fix it.