cursorinsight / FeatureScreeningDemo.jl

A Julia package demonstrating the use of FeatureScreening.jl.
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Code review of 8b9b8c0 #1

Closed dhanak closed 2 years ago

dhanak commented 3 years ago

The underscore prefix is not very fortunate (it already means something in the conventions). Consider renaming to date_format or something similar. (Same with _print_json and _parse_json below.)

Unless performance is really an issue, I would stick with the NamedTuple(keys .=> values) notation instead of extending the constructor with an unconventional method. If performance is an issue, your version is much faster.

Odd naming choice, perhaps jumbled? __to_be_exposed, perhaps? Also, why two underscores?

Again, why the double underscore? Even though there is no outright convention for it, the de-facto convention seems to be a single underscore for private members.

More succinct with broadcast:

return append!.(acc, split(idxs.(group); kwargs...))

Just sayin', this is a misuse of uuid5. The first argument should be the namespace that shouldn't be arbitrary, the second is the entity you wish to generate the UUID from. See and also This code works, but it is not how UUID5 was intended to be used.

Just a note. I also encountered the problem of converting a struct into a NamedTuple before being able to serialize, and I came up with this function:


Convert a composite `value` to a named tuple.
@generated function namedtuple(x)
    if x <: AbstractDict || x <: NamedTuple
        return :(NamedTuple(x))
    elseif isstructtype(x)
        fields = [:($fn = getfield(x, $(QuoteNode(fn))))
                  for fn in fieldnames(x)]
        return Expr(:tuple, fields...)
        error("Expecting AbstractDict or struct type!")

With this, the above line could be written like this (albeit it will not use the generated getter functions in this case):

print_json(path, namedtuple(measurement))

I would probably consider using Base.@kwdef here because of the large number of arguments.

There is no need to splat size(configs), the constructor of Array also accepts tuples.

Simpler (and less explicit on the indexing):

@showprogress "Benchmark $(description)" for (i, config) in pairs(configs)

This is just the following, right?

y = y = vec(features(feature_set[idxs, :]))

Just a note. This got me thinking, it has to be simpler than that. First, I slightly generalized the group_by function with a mapping function argument as follows (also note the removal of the unnecessarily tight type restriction on itr):

using Base: return_types

function group_by(by::Function, f::Function, itr)::OrderedDict
    T = only(return_types(f, (eltype(itr),)))
    return foldl(itr; init = OrderedDict{Any, Vector{T}}()) do acc, x
        push!(get!(acc, by(x), T[]), f(x))
        return acc

function group_by(by::Function, itr)::OrderedDict
    return group_by(by, identity, itr)

function group_by(itr)
    return group_by(identity, itr)

With this adjustment, the above foldl call can be replaced with the following, very simple and straightforward call:

idxs = group_by(last, first, enumerate(labels(feature_set)))

Neat, huh?

Less loquacious equivalent:

using Base.Iterators: peel

(cmd, args) = peel(arguments)

I like this Command structure and interface, btw! Neat!

tortelio commented 2 years ago

Named tuple example

  # this is working
  x = (; b = 123)
  (; a = 1, x.b) == (a = 1, b = 123)
  # this could
  (; a = 1, first(1:10)) == (a = 1, first = 1)
tortelio commented 2 years ago

@dhanak Are we ready with with these?

dhanak commented 2 years ago

Certainly seems so.