cursorless-dev / cursorless

Don't let the cursor slow you down
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Expand cursorless talon command api #492

Open pokey opened 2 years ago

pokey commented 2 years ago

We'd like for users to be able to define more complex custom grammars. To do so, they'll need full access to the types of commands supported by cursorless, whereas today they can just do a single target, with no extra arguments


See below

Old proposal


complete [<user.cursorless_target>]:
    target = user.cursorless_target("collectionItem", cursorless_target)
    user.cursorless_command("setSelectionBefore", target)
    key(right:3 delete x)

More verbose alternative

complete [<user.cursorless_target>]:
    user_target = cursorless_target or "this"
    item_modifier = user.cursorless_containing_scope("collectionItem")
    target = user.cursorless_add_modifier(item_modifier, user_target)
    # Could reduce the above two lines to:
    # target = user.cursorless_expand_to_scope("collectionItem", user_target)

Use cases

Checking a box in a markdown checklist

See also #452 and #453

Consider if we want to support extending/overriding other internal cursorless features.

eg support for when focus is not on the text editor.

tararoys commented 2 years ago

Allow custom grammars for reformat action is what I vote!

josharian commented 12 months ago

Sample use case:

hug <phrase>$:
    mimic("chuck leading " + phrase)
kiss <phrase>$:
    mimic("chuck trailing " + phrase)
(cosy|cozy) <phrase>$:
    m = "chuck leading " + phrase
    m = m + " and trailing " 
    m = m + phrase
josharian commented 11 months ago

Since it often helps to have concrete, real world use cases written down, here is a running list of things I am currently implementing using mimic. (Will update it over time.)

pre line <x>
chuck leading <x>
chuck trailing <x>
josharian commented 11 months ago

GitHub failed to backlink this comment, so here it is manually:

pokey commented 11 months ago

update from meet-up: there are a couple approaches

Use csvs

We could have custom modifier and action csvs which map from a spoken form to some representation of compound modifiers / actions. Here are a couple possibilities for representing "chuck previous char" as a custom action:

Benefit of using identifiers rather than spoken form is that they can change spoken form without breaking these, at the expense of being a bit harder to read / write

In a csv this would be something like


Spoken form, value
shave, remove <~ relative(-1; character)

For custom modifiers, we could have another csv where it's the same syntax but without the leading action. Eg


Spoken form, value
duet, nScopes(2; token)

We could use this syntax in other places, eg

Could have a command to automatically generate this syntax, eg "dump modifier two tokens" to type out nScopes(2; token), or "dump action chuck previous char"

The benefit of this csv approach is that it's compact, and these are super easy to share / find in other people's repos, so even if people struggle a bit to read / write the syntax, power users could come up with cool compound modifiers / actions that others steal

Use a set of Talon actions

Another approach is to expose actions that users can use to build up targets. Eg

shave <user.cursorless_target>:
    target = user.cursorless_modifier_relative("character", -1, cursorless_target)

Note that it's not immediately obvious how to use this approach for custom modifiers, eg "duet" above.

The benefit of this approach is that we don't need to have a custom parser, and the user can easily use it in Python, etc. The syntax will also be familiar for users of Talon / Python

One disadvantage is that we potentially have less flexibility to change things, because we're locked into this api, whereas with our custom grammar we have more wiggle room.

We could add version numbers, eg user.cursorless_v6_modifier_relative, but then we run into an issue where a user might take something returned from user.cursorless_v6_modifier_relative and try to pass it to user.cursorless_v7_action_remove. We effectively have an api surface where each function is kind of its own "api surface island" that needs to be able to interact with anything else. Which we could solve probably with a lot of version numbers on every little object, but that seems painful to maintain

josharian commented 11 months ago

Using the spoken form directly is pretty appealing though. What if it always parsed used the default spoken forms? It’s not too hard to look up the default spoken form, once you understand cursorless well enough to have your own dialect. And they’d be fully transferable from one user to another.

And if needed you could use sql-like placeholders to indicate substitution locations (lots of options here).

pokey commented 11 months ago

Interesting idea to support default spoken form, though that locks us in to a set of default spoken forms, and they also might be surprised when they can't use their own. What if we just supported the exact same grammar as spoken, but using canonical ids, and supported a way to automatically generate from spoken form, as described above?

The annoyance here is we'd need to implement our own command parser, rather than relying on Talon's as we do today, and there are likely things they may try to do that wouldn't quite work because they're stopping in the middle of some construct. Eg they might try to map "dock" to "chuck tail" and expect to say "dock funk", but really they've stopped in the middle of a modifier

josharian commented 11 months ago

Lots of dimensions on which to evaluate these:

there are likely things they may try to do that wouldn't quite work because they're stopping in the middle of some construct

yeah. good error messages from the parser could help a lot here, though.

josharian commented 11 months ago

Use case from #1514:

"trade <modifier> <mark>" -> "swap <modifier> <mark> with its next <modifier>"

(Although I may have butchered the grammar, which would itself be a useful data point.)

Given f(a, b), 'trade arg air" generates f(b, a).

pokey commented 10 months ago

Lots of dimensions on which to evaluate these:

  • Stability: custom jq-like grammar > canonical ids > default spoken form > python api > custom spoken form
  • Readability: custom spoken form > default spoken form > python api / custom jq-like grammar / canonical ids
  • Transferability from one user to another: default spoken form / python api / custom jq-like grammar / canonical ids > custom spoken form
  • Implementation difficulty: ?

I like this way of thinking about the problem

pokey commented 8 months ago

Example from slack

  1. "take next instance"
  2. "copy block"

Wanted to be able to do something like:

copy next:
   user.cursorless_action("take next instance")
   user.cursorless_action("copy block")
pokey commented 8 months ago


Custom actions

Add a new type of action:

interface ParsedActionDescriptor {
  name: "parsed";
  content: string;
  targets?: PartialTargetDescriptor[];

Here is how we would use it in a Talon file:

kill: user.cursorless_custom_command("chuck block")
kill <user.cursorless_target>: user.cursorless_custom_command("chuck block <target>", cursorless_target)
my before <user.cursorless_target>: user.cursorless_custom_command("bring this before <target>", cursorless_target)
my before <user.cursorless_target> and <user.cursorless_target>: user.cursorless_custom_command("bring <target1> before <target2>", cursorless_target_1, cursorless_target_2)

Here is the command payloads that would come from the above rules, respectively:

  action: {
    name: "parsed",
    content: "chuck block",

  action: {
    name: "parsed",
    content: "chuck block <target>",
    targets: [{...}],

  action: {
    name: "parsed",
    content: "bring this before <target>",
    targets: [{...}],

  action: {
    name: "parsed",
    content: "bring <target1> before <target2>",
    targets: [{...}, {...}],

Might also want to have csv version for actions, but let's leave that out for now

kill, chuck block

Custom modifiers

Add a new type of modifier:

interface ParsedModifier {
  type: "parsed";
  content: string;

Then add a new csv file talon-side called custom_modifiers.csv:

duet, two tokens

Then user could use "duet" as a modifer. The modifier would correspond to:

    type: "parsed",
    content: "two tokens",

The user could say eg "take duet air"


brollin commented 1 month ago

Excited for this to be implemented! My use case is very similar to aforementioned ones. I would like to be able to write a quick+dirty talon command that would accomplish:

"post next block this"

for purposes of navigating a markdown file. Very random use case but along the lines of the markdown "complete" to check a markdown checkbox.