curtisbright / PhysicsCheck

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Segmentation fault (tested locally and on virtual machine) #23

Closed BrianLi009 closed 1 year ago

BrianLi009 commented 1 year ago

This issue occured after [commit 500] ( (regarding the binary clauses)

./maplesat-ks/simp/maplesat_static -order=17 -max-exhaustive-var=66 -skip-last=5 -exhaustive=17/12-solo.exhaust -no-pre constraints_17 constraints_17.drat -perm-out=constraints_17.perm -keep-blocking=2 -noncanonical-out=17/12-solo.noncanonical -minclause
============================[ Problem Statistics ]=============================
|                                                                             |
|  Number of variables:          2720                                         |
|  Number of clauses:          107620                                         |
|  Parse time:                   0.36 s                                       |
|  Simplification time:          0.00 s                                       |
|                                                                             |
============================[ Search Statistics ]====================================================
| Conflicts |          ORIGINAL         |          LEARNT          | Num Sols |      SUBGRAPHS      |
|           |    Vars  Clauses Literals |    Limit  Clauses Lit/Cl |          | Canonical Noncanon. |
|       103 |    2720   107623 12451771 |     2000      100    100 |        0 |        21         3 |
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
curtisbright commented 1 year ago

I apologize; I updated it too hastily. Looking at it again, the update was clearly faulty. I will fix it.

curtisbright commented 1 year ago

Ok, it should be corrected.

BrianLi009 commented 1 year ago

thank you, will pull and test

BrianLi009 commented 1 year ago

it's fixed, thank you for the quick fix