Closed Mis012 closed 6 years ago
well, there was no nrf chip in this, shame :/ it had swd though, even uart, but I coyldn't find any info on the chip. And I managed to crack the screen... I'll go for x9 pro, that one should be fine unless I screw something up ;)
@Mis012 My observation has been that the really cheap devices (<~100RMB) do not contain nRF5x devices, even if the copy-pasted description claims it. I'd be interested in pictures of this device's circuit board if you don't mind uploading some to this issue!
What fitness sensor it is?
What I have is the e-bay page (copy pasted from id115 description, I thought they would copy the hardware as well jerks) and those photos.
"words" that may be related: mcube yoho ms1020
also, this ip was in the apk (I will base64 encode it to search-engine-proof it): aHR0cDovLzEyMS40MC45Ni4xNzEvCg== and aHR0cDovLzEyMS40MC45Ni4xNzEvZWRpbWFnZS8K feel free to have fun with this: aHR0cDovLzEyMS40MC45Ni4xNzEvZWRpbWFnZS8yMDE3LTA3LTA2LzIwMTcwNzA2MjA0MjI2Njg3 MDYuanNwCg== (the few days ago stuff is me poking around)
I saw this ^, it seems there are versions with and without the nrf chip, but this one has it listed, so it should be fine. If I buy this, is it certain I can OWN it with more or less work? Also, can RPi zero be used as a programmer?
Thanks for your help :)