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Comparing and Idyll #8

Open rowanc1 opened 5 years ago

rowanc1 commented 5 years ago

I wrote a rather lengthy document to try and justify this project to myself, as I started it before knowing about both Idyll and Svelte. Both of these seem to serve a similar purpose. Ink uses web-components rather than compile time magic or language parsing.

I would be very curious to hear from @mathisonian on my mini-review/comparison of Idyll and Ink:

At the end of the document there are a number of features/comparisons that could be useful thinking for improving Idyll. Looking forward to opening the conversation. :)

mathisonian commented 5 years ago

Hey @rowanc1, thanks for writing this up. I really like what you're doing with ink components, and there is a lot of exploration to be done in this space so I don't see having multiple projects charting it out as being an issue. To be honest a lot of the work we've been doing on Idyll so far has been to get the compiler and runtime infrastructure in place and our components are a bit rough around the edges still; so even to be able to share ideas and APIs for components a la is helpful.

One thing that I thought of immediately upon seeing ink components was that it would be interesting to put together an ink runtime for idyll that generates output as ink component rather than React. It seems like there's enough overlap in the models that this wouldn't be a huge undertaking.

Some more specific responses below:

Expressions that can be executed in Idyll uses value=backticks, Ink prepends a semicolon to the attribute :value="semicolon".

Not sure I totally follow this; what is the semicolon for?

Derived and Data in Idyll are new components, in Ink they are just variables. I was thinking about this for a while, and I think the variable should really just be set dynamically based on a function, I am not sure why we need another type (Derived) to do this?

The reason that we separate them semantically for Idyll is because of the following: in Idyll components are able to "push updates" to their properties, e.g. in the case of [Range value:x /] the way that this works is that internally the range component is can say "i want my property value to be set to 10" and idyll notices the binding between value and x and sets x to 10.

This works just fine if x is a normal variable, but if x is derived as a function of other variables, then you run into trouble. Consider this example:

[var name:"x" value:"5" /]
[derived name:"xSquared" value:`x * x` /]

[Range value:xSquared /]` 

in this case I'm not sure there's any way to achieve a reasonable behavior without doing something like using a constraint solver to find a value for x (this is the approach that uses I believe). In the Idyll this currently just won't work as trying to "set" a derived variable is a no-op.

Idyll has equations in their Presentation section with no reactivity, Ink allows you to nest a display inside an equation.

Idyll supports something similar, but now I realize it isn't documented! I will update this

Idyll has simple charts out of the box but no two-way binding of elements, Ink allows you to have drag-nodes.

Yeah our built-in chart component needs some love 😥. I need to look more closely at what you're doing with the chart API because it looks pretty powerful. My thought to this point was to lean on vega-lite for more advanced charting functionality and not repeat too much of what they've done, but I believe there need to be some API updates for 2-way binding to be usable in practice with VL.

The ability to update multiple variables in a single action, hover, click, drag, etc.

We support this via something like:

[Button onClick:`x += 1; y +=1; z += 1`]
  Click Me

Mixing multiple scopes of variables is a wicked cool idea. I have introduced the ink-scope component that keeps variable and dynamic execution in different IFrames on the page.

I really like what you're doing with this. Adding an "import" to idyll where you can bring in document fragments that are given their own scope has been on my TODO list for a while. We should compare notes at some point. I think this might also be used to achieve something similar to what you're envisioning with source? Although taking a slightly different perspective.

lrq3000 commented 4 years ago

I just tried both, and I see Idyll more like a framework to write up an entire article in a "explorable explanations" perspective, whereas ink-components is super useful when you just want to quickly add an interactive widget in an otherwise static document (eg, easier to integrate in a blog).

Both are very useful and wonderful projects and I'm very happy both exist! Thank you both so much! I hope more developers will be drawn to both of your projects, I would love to see them extended (although they already work very very well!)

lrq3000 commented 4 years ago

@rowanc1 Also the idea of using ink-components to create scalable documents is wonderful! But it's not described in the documentation! I think you should add an example, it's amazing and opens a LOT of possibilities!

I also wanted to add a selector for different options, with a dropdown list initially but a slider with strings as you did here for your scalable document fits the bill for me, so I'm going to use that as a way to initialize the variables in my calculations to different common scenarios. Keep up the awesome work! :D

rowanc1 commented 4 years ago

Hey @lrq3000 -- thanks for the feedback, I would love to see some of your work with ink when you publish it! @mathisonian, sorry for not replying, work/life went a bit haywire over the past 6 months and this completely dropped off my radar.

Scalable documents

I completely agree @lrq3000 that this opens up a lot of possibilities, I will get back to documenting some of this in the next few months (I am now working full time on which is a visual editor for interactive documents, so that should actually happen! 👍 ) I added an issue for the dropdown selector here: #9.

@mathisonian responses:

Not sure I totally follow this; what is the semicolon for?

I have been using the syntax <ink-display :value="x == 0 ? 'free' : x" /> for distinguishing between :value= for "this should be evaluated" and value= for "just diplay that value".

Regarding var and derived

I follow your logic and do the same thing, I think the only difference is that here I am using syntax to differentiate rather than a different component. i.e. using the equivalent of: [var name:"xSquared" value:x * x/] And then flagging that internally that it is derived, because it comes from a function.

Thanks for the other feedback/thoughts @mathisonian. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Looking forward to pushing some more updates on this repo soon. 🚀

lrq3000 commented 4 years ago

@rowanc1 Oh that's awesome, I subscribed to get notified when iooxa will go live, that sounds very interesting! Plus it's made by you so I can expect some good stuff :D

Thank you for opening an issue for a dropdown list! Meanwhile, I have found the source of your scalable document example, when checking the HTML sourcecode this provides a good example to build upon.

Here is a minimal example if anyone would like an alternative to dropdown lists and to implement scalable documents:

<ink-var name="x" value="2"></ink-var>
<ink-var name="y" value="12"></ink-var>
x: <ink-dynamic :value="x" min="1" max="3" bind="{x: value, y:(value==1)*5+(value==2)*12+(value==3)*19}" transform="['Choice1', 'Second choice', '3rd choice'][x-1]"></ink-dynamic>
<br />y: <ink-display name="y"></ink-display>
<br /><ink-span :visible="x==1">This shows up only if x == 1</ink-span>

Here is a rendered page with this code. Awesome work @rowanc1 ! Very flexible library, I LOVE it! :D

lrq3000 commented 3 years ago

I would like to clarify what I wrote in the past as I think it went through as quite a bit confused (and admittedly I was - ink-components was my first real experience with developing reactive apps!).

I think a very strong point of iooxa is how easy it can be integrated into any framework (or lack of). This is due to it being designed as a "module" or "component" rather than a framework. Hence, it has a very plug-and-play nature, and so it has the potential to blend with a wide variety of workflow a developer may already have. For example, it can flawlessly work with Brython (Python in the browser), which is quite a feat! So I expect it will play as nice or even better with javascript frameworks such as React, Gatsby, Angular, etc.

On the other hand, it may be less "guiding" the user and potentially more technically limited to what can be achieved with a framework such as idyll. Since Idyll is a framework, the user has to start with Idyll, it cannot be (as far as I understand, please correct me if I'm wrong) integrated later in another framework or just a standard web page without first being transpiled. So it's more akin to typescript and this kind of transpiled languages to javascript approach, which can provide a lot of flexibility and expressivity, guiding the user with a language and programming entities tailored to make explorable explanations.

In the end, I think it's much like the library vs framework debate currently undergoing in the Javascript community, with eg ReactJS (library) vs Angular (framework) and others. Likely both have their use cases and their respective audiences, with different strong points and limitations.